As I have posted on another thread every living thing on this planet whether in the sea on the land or in the air keeps alive by devouring another living thing.And has done so since the beginning of time .
I can`t see a loving Almighty Creator being responsible for that ,so I guess evolution makes much more sense .
Jehovah`s Witnesses who blame Satan for this situation undermine their God whom they believe in .
If they believe Satan is the cause of this situation then obviously he is more powerful than their God who they worship.
For all JW`s who believe God is going to rectify things in his own due time ,I ask you to send me 10$ and I will make you a millionaire in the not too distant future ,your million$ is not far away it`s just around the corner just send me your 10$ and I will make you a millionaire ,it`s imminent.