Sorry to say my first home that I grew up in till about 12 yrs. has long gone now, a 2 storey terrace house with a small iron fenced veranda .Similar types of houses that still exist in the inner suburbs of Melbourne (Carlton) fetch 1-2 million dollars nowadays
My second house I lived in till I got married was in the outer suburbs of Melbourne Close to the Olympic Village where the athletes stayed for the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne (Heilderberg West)
My wife and I have counted over 40 times we have moved in our lifetime mostly renting and only twice have we owned a home thanks to my last employer of over 28 years.
And yes CoCo I do have a fondness for Gum trees their was a grassed hilly roundabout situated between the Melbourne Cemetery and the Melbourne University which we called 2 tree hill where we would rest as kids after playing football or cricket in the streets.
There was`nt anywhere neer as many cars in those days as their is today.
Your painting was depicting the fall ? Autumn down here,LOL