This FINNISH SPOKESPERSON FOR jw`S CLEARLY HAS NO TROUBLE LYING trying to make out the shunned person is doing the shunning
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Pillowgate makes headlines in Finland
by Festus inlocal newspaper in finland has published an article concerning wtbs:s "pillowgate@ videos.
the local "communications manager" of jehovah's witnesses - veikko leinonen - has declined to comment them.
according to him they are for internal use only.
WT predicting smartphones back in the 20s?
by paradiseseeker ini've come across a jw friendly article about watchtower predicting smartphones in the 20s.. .
of course, in the comments section there are a lot of jws freaking out saying "there is no doubt that this is the only true organization!
", "thanks jehovah that used his faithful and discreet slave to tell us some useful information about the future!
Its funny how "New Light" always seems to follow failed predictions / prophecy`s / Interpretations of Scripture that have not come to pass
Russell, was an arch-plagiarist. And so was Knorr about another organization (UN ) replacing the league Of nations
WT predictions are 99% failure to 1% Plagiarism
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
I`m sure stand up comedians could have a field day with this video like some did with the sign language video on masturbation .
I`m going to have to re-schedule my time to watch Cedars rebuttal as it is over 2 hours long ? is that right ?
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
Punkofnice you have just pasted an image of Connie Francis I never had before and I`m not sure if it`s a good thing or a bad thing I`m still trying to get a grip on it.
Has Watchtower taken the joy out of 'the good news of the kingdom'
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question for the following reason.
i was sitting at the kingdom hall thinking about all the rules, procedures, policies, teachings that each member must follow ......or else!.
at the watchtower study we are reminded of the paradise earth where we will all be the same and happy.
I believe it also had to do with your geographical location ,let me explain when I first converted in the Melbourne area and actually attended at least 4 congregations they were all very conservative very few if any teenagers and they did very little if any socializing
However when we went to S.E.Qld. it was like a breath of fresh air ,young people teenagers and a very sociable lot in a number of congregations and we got to know a lot of people in different circuits also because of our young sons and their connections,
We had a great social life going round to different ones houses for meals and they coming to our house ,camping which always involved people from different the circuit ,often we would go to restaurants after Assembly` s etc.
Socially we had a good life in the JW religion however the religious aspect of Jw`s didn`t live up to their own expectations of anything like what the truth should be.
Truth is truth it never changes /and should never change
Unless you are a Jehovah`s Witness ./Old truths /new truths /present truths /past truths ?
Found this little gem about sharing pillows with other brothers in the Insight on the Scriptures book
by jwleaks inbosom position - guests reclined on their left side with a pillow supporting their left elbow, leaving the right arm free.
usually three persons occupied each couch, but there could be as many as five.
the head of each one would be on or near the breast, or bosom, as it were, of the person behind him.
Do any of them have pillows between their legs on this side of the table or maybe on the other side ?
sorry that was an irreverent comment
Will paradise be like a 24/7 Disneyland vacation package?
by Sour Grapes ini was thinking about the jdub paradise this morning and all of the pictures in the watchtower company's literature illustrating the new system of things.. here is a partial list of what you see in the pictures:.
pet pandas, lions, elephants.
people always on a picnic with lots of beautiful fruits and vegetables.
What many JW`s don`t think about is all the cleaning up they will have to do these first 1000 years ,burying all the dead bodies/bones ,doing without electricity Grids ,no sewerage facilities ,no water on tap to houses ,no modern day white goods such as refrigerators washing machines hot water services just to name a few of the things they will be without however the big thing they fail to comprehend is that while the 1000 years under the rule of Christ Jesus and his associate 144000 rulers are busy coping with these shortcomings I just mentioned their will be according to scripture an untold number as the sand of the seas that will rebel against Jesus Christ rule during his 1000 year rule and finally take seige of the holy ones Rev.20:7-9 Satan is going to be let out of his prison so he can mislead the nations again in the four corners of the earth .
Welcome to all the newbies and lurkers that have joined this forum lately.
by smiddy3 ini`m sure you have all noticed the ever increasing number of newbies and lurkers who have visited this site over the past months and i am sure we could all collectively welcome them to this site and support them on learning the ttatt .
and helping them to navigate how they can look up older publications and quotes of the wtb&ts that they would rather remain hidden.. we all know jehovah`s witnesses /governing body never apologizes for mistakes they make they just don`t mention them anymore and explain it away as new light from god.. actually a big cop out.. welcome to all you who are new to this site .. every day their seems to be someone new posting which is great .. and if this is any indication of what is happening in all other ex jw sites the wtb&ts are in deep trouble .
That is excellent Wild_Thing no ,,correction that is sensational that you have compiled all of those clippings .
To the newbies and lurkers here I have learned so much more about the Jehovah`s Witness religion and the Bible since I joined this sight 10 years ago than all of the 33 years I was an active JW
That JW`s are Bible students is a joke more likely they are students (if you can call it that) of the Watchtower publications.
As" Are you serious" suggests the WT`s own kingdom Interlinear Translation is a big help in waking up to TTATT
Just a couple of points : 1. The Tetragrammaton nor it`s Greek equivalent appear in the Greek script so the word Jehovah should not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures that they base their NWT on.
2. In john 1;1 The NWT reads In the beginning the word was and the word was with God and the word was a god ..However in the Kingdom Interlinear it simply states that " the word was God"
Just two examples of deception.
Couldn't the GB have foreseen "spiritual endangerment" taking hold with Internet approval?
by compound complex inhaving listened to the two gb helpers (and cedar's interspersed commentary), i was somewhat taken aback at the comments on the widespread availability of smartphones and such at bethel.
of course, in the congregations, too.
Have they EVER foreseen anything CoCo ? Lets face it their interpretations of prophecy which are many over the years have never come to fruition so it figures they didn`t foresee the internet as a problem for them.
I think they over estimated the control they have on their flock especially the younger generation and conversely under estimated just how the younger generation are so tuned in to "new" technology along with their natural curiosity to question things especially what the older generations try to tell them.
Think of teenagers who rebel against the rules and restrictions parents put on them it`s human nature .
the Society considers such a serious problem is, in part, their fault for requiring JW`s to have tablets and smartphones?
Maybe that`s the reason sites like this are seeing such an influx of newbies everyday .
Thank you Watchtower/GB for giving them an escape mechanism
This is my story
by paradiseseeker ini've already posted in this forum but i haven't told you my story.
nowadays i'm a pimo in my late 20s from spain.. i was born in the cult and i can say that during my whole childhood and most of my teenage years i believed in this.
however, i felt that here was something wrong with me, as i wasn't comfortable telling people i was jw, talking about jw stuff, nor did i feel "excited" and "grateful" whenever a watchtower publication told me that i should.
Thanks for your post ps i wish you well on your journey out of bondage to the JW`s religion and the freedom to pursue a life you want for yourself.
And not to be directed /influenced by a few men who don`t know you and who you don`t know personally who have set themselves up as Gods spokespersons for Jehovah`s Witnesses./IBSA .
Take care