It was a combination of many things over many years. { one sentence}
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
In one sentence, can you pinpoint a single event that woke you up?
by Brian J inmy turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Jimmy Swaggart
by Lady Lee ina website i had not seen before tells the story and provides the scans of the court case. .
more of the scans are on page 2 so click the link at the bottom of the page.
I think this should be bumped for newbies .
If your not familiar with Jimmy Swaggart and his TV/Radio Evangelism he has built a Dynasty of a Religious Empire since beginning full time Evangelism only since 1955 that reaches out all over the USA New Zealand and Australia .
Look up his achievements ( Empire Building) on the internet you will have to admit it`s impressive in the short time he has been operating.
So why would the WTB&TS become a "Friend Of The Court" in a court case against Jimmy Swaggart defending his position ?
Wasn`t / isn`t he a part of "Babylon The Great" false religion ?
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Thank you jwleaks for that link much appreciated.
I don`t see how it could be interpreted to mean it`s referring to an eclipse when it`s indicating the sun was about midday and didn`t set for a whole day .
To me that says the sun was visible in the sky for 18 hours and not the usual 12 hours.
The scripture also says the moon was visible in the daylight hours also which happens and it also remained motionless in the sky
.What the Bible writer didn`t appreciate Is that the sun does not revolve around the earth and for it to apparently stand still the earth would have had to stop rotating on it` axis which would have been catastrophic for all life on earth.
It just couldn`t happen
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Thanks again shepherdless
Animals Have Soul
by glenster inawwrr see the video at the next link:
glenster i have a distaste for FB and quit it .Is their any other way to view this video?
An elder with only one testicle
by stillin ini happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
I knew a few sisters over the years that stood up to the Elders in their respective congregations over personal issues .
I guess they had balls that the Elders didn`t.
{ Well if women can have beards in heaven I can`t see why they can`t have balls on earth }
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Thanks for that clarification shepherdless .
In earlier reports the JW`s had objections to joining the redress scheme also ,I wonder how that`s going.
In that ABC regional radio station report it also said that the Catholic Church supported the redress scheme proposed by the Government.And at least they have come out with public apologies .
Not so the Jehovah Witness Organization
Congregation`s deny such a problem even exists and blame it on apostate lies
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Sorry Hecce I don`t have a link it was reported on ABC radio station and I haven`t been getting the papers lately so I don`t know if it was reported there.
And I haven`t seen anything on TV about it either.
$5.5 Million to be transferred to World Wide Work from Assembly Hall fund
by Sour Grapes ina letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
Shouldn`t this sort of information be forwarded on to leah Rehmini ? who is supposed to be looking at doing an expose on the Jehovah Witness religion ?
I hope somebody does this i`m pc illiterate
Isn`t this the type of information she could use ?
Also the loans to Kingdom halls that were cancelled out loans that may have had a few years to go that were then cancelled by the organization only to introduce a voluntary contribution that matched what you were paying on your loan but now you were committed to paying that same amount forever ?
If that`s not a scam then what is ?