Keep a look out in the top of your screen where the envelope is and if their is a number in it you will have a personal message just for you click on it to open it.
I hope that helps.and good luck.
i just came across a thread from 2002, (i'll link it here in the next post), about congregations in upstate ny, many that were with a vt circuit i was in for many years.
in there i wrote the following about a infamous pedophile case involving an elder, don nicholson.
here was part of one of my posts on that thread.
Keep a look out in the top of your screen where the envelope is and if their is a number in it you will have a personal message just for you click on it to open it.
I hope that helps.and good luck.
¿necesitan los demás bosquejos?.
Are their more pages than the 3 shown here ? as it doesn`t finish with the usual sign off ?
i'm new to this site.
i've been out for 27 years and was trying to figure out how to get in touch with others that may also be on here from my old congregation.
it was warrensburg , ny....
Good luck with that my friend I have been in touch with a couple of old "friends" that have either left or dont play by the GB rules.
I too am always on the lookout for more but so far no such luck.
By the way welcome to the forum it`s a great place to be.
i registered to vote!
the last election had me staring like a deer in the headlights.
i couldn't stand either candidate!
Welcome to the real world stillin where you can have a voice express it and not be vilified by those with an opposing view .
it has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
That was a great poem sunny expressed very well the thoughts many of us have I`m sure.
It`s more than likely "Theocratic Warfare" in the making tell the non JW world what they want to hear and tell the Rank and File what they must OBEY.
Isn`t that what they do with the public WatchTower magazine they give to the public and that same publication they give to dedicated Jehovah`s witnesses the Rank and File is somewhat different from the public version ?
Jehovah`s Witnesses / Governing Body speak with a forked tongue ,what they say to the Rank & File members is not what you will hear spoken to the general public.
The sooner Nations and Governments recognize this the better and it`s up to us to make sure they do see the deception /obfuscation the Jehovah`s witness religion employs.
news 8.3.2018 14:14 | updated 8.3.2018 finlandleague for human rights presses officials to probe jehovah’s witnesses, other religious groups.
a number of former members of the jehovah’s witnesses have come forth saying they were prevented from reporting sexual crimes to the authorities.
Thanks Barbara for posting this.
DOC ,Bring it on ,is all I can say.
edit to say ,their seems to be more and more nations that are now looking at questionable practices by religions and other institutions than ever before whether it be sexual or other types of abuse against minors and that is a great thing
We should all do our part to keep the momentum going where we can
it's all about women being trained to operate heavy equipment, like it's a miracle.
they quote the male foreman, but don't tell you that only men are allowed to be foreman.
Their should be an International Mourning day For Jehovah`s Witnesses Who Died Refusing Life saving Blood Transfusions because of being indoctrinated by a Religious / Real Estate / Publishing Company more interested in making money through their so called not for profit / Charity ventures that has raked in Millions of $$$$ into their coffers.
When are the Governments of this world going to wake up to the scams these so called religious organizations take them for fools. ?
hi everyone i'm 19 year old and i've been a jehovahs witness for 3 years now.
i've followed the rules and i'm even a pioneer.
but i've hid the secret of a boyfriend i had from india.
I feel for you letty I just hope you take notice of the advice you receive from this forum and act on it
take care .
be my guest :.
santa clause .
the tooth fairy .
You might as well ?
Be my guest :
believe in :
Santa Clause
The Tooth Fairy
Big Foot
The Loch Ness Monster
The Easter Bunny
Any God of your choosing
the Governing Body of JW.
These last six are just as relevant as those who preceded them
Why ?
Because we have had exactly the same response from all of them, nothing of any value for our well being either for now or in the future.