Kom197 ,You sound like an intelligent young woman who has her head firmly implanted on her shoulders whatever you do don`t prove me wrong by continuing to be involved with this guy whose thinking is torn between satisfying the Elders of his religion and his penis .
I`m sorry to put it so bluntly but that is what it boils down to.
Jehovah`s Witnesses believe a marriage is a three-fold unit , the bride ,the groom ,and Jehovah (read the Elders /Governing body / and WTB&TS organization )
I`m sorry you have wasted so much time with this guy.
And if you decide to stick it out with this guy and his religion you will be the loser .
By the way welcome to the forum you may have helped some other lurkers on here with your experience
OH and please keep us informed of your decision and how things pan out in your life as it can be a big help to others who may find themselves in a situation like yours.
Whatever path you tread I wish you all the best and the best of luck.