keep them busy and occupied and they may not notice that the big "A" is not just around the corner or any time soon.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Highlights from Leaked Bethel Videos - part 4, movie set
by neat blue dog init also looks like guests got to walk around the sets of what i'm guessing is what was used for the new jonah movie, coming soon to a convention near you, summer 2018.. .
The right to record your judicial committee meeting
by UnshackleTheChains inok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
My thoughts on this is that they will view you as a trouble-maker, not complying with the will or direction of the Elders and have the JC meeting in you absence and pass whatever judgement against you as they see fit.
And the only way to get around that is to threaten to sue them personally for whatever action they take
That usually scares the bejesus out of them.
Another JDub fairy tail
by Sour Grapes innow that the talks for this summer's conventions are available online i read through them and they could have been written in the early 70's...same thing no changes.. talk #50 "future events will require courage - the final test" illustrates how jdubs have lost so many brain cells by studying the watchtower and going to meetings that they will not even think about the reasonableness of what the speaker will be saying....they will just be a crowd of bobbleheads.. the outline says "at the end of christ's thousand year reign, satan will be released "for a little while".
the devil will convince some perfect humans to rebel.
" my question is how many is some?
After all of the work to be in a beautiful paradise, God has once again will have to destroy billions of people. Maybethis will be the last time.
The key word being MAYBE. The flood didn't do it...Armageddon won't do it...why should we think the thousand year test (if there is one) will do it?
Isn`t their a phrase of some kind that states something along the lines of
"If you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome " isn`t that a sign of insanity ?
Is Jehovah God Insane ?
The "Old Testament" is full of examples of Jehovah God smiting his foes,those who he was displeased with and ones that made small insignificant innocent mistakes whether they be old men or women young virgins and even children and just for the fact they were of a different tribe that he had chose .
Jehovah God was excessive in destroying all land animals and vegetation in the global Flood.
Apparently he is again going to be excessive in destroying Billions of people at Armageddon in the near future
And after the thousand years of Jesus Christ reign he is going to destroy "those nations in the four corners of the earth ,Gog and Magog to gather them for the war ( another one ) The number of these is as the sands of the sea and they advanced over the breadth of the earth."
Whose to say it wont happen again and again, many Angels followed satan`s lead and many more could do so after Satan is destroyed
Their is no guarantee that this cycle would ever end .
Two virgin births in the Bible, who knew?
by Crazyguy inin the famous verse from mathew chapter 1 verse 23 i believe the writer proclaims that mary a virgin was going to give birth to a son he would be called emmanuel.
he even stated this was to fulfill a prophecy.
thats prophecy is in isaiah chapter 7:14. .
I have learnt more about the Bible on this site than I ever did as a studious Jehovah`s Witness of 33 years.
No wonder I am now a self confessed Atheist
Have Watchtower changed their polices to report to police child sex abuse?
by pleaseresearch inhi all.
just speaking to a sister about the royal commission.. she said they they have now changed their guidelines so that they now report all to the police.. really?
does anyone know if this is true?.
And apart from not letting anyone in the congregation that their is a child molester in their midst as bad as that is this child molester is also a danger to the general public in that he/she is still allowed to go from D2D in the community putting their children in danger also of being sexually abused.
Local councils and local Governments should be very concerned with this potential danger in their community`s.
It was a big cop-out at the ARC for "Elders" to say that parents have the right to go to the police or child protection agency`s with allegations when they obfuscate their responsibility to notify such authorities while investigating these allegations in-house.
They failed dismally in their duty of care to the abused children .
Why are Humans so Obsessed with trying to find Meaning in Ancient Writings that they waste their life on and are willing to die for ?
by smiddy3 inwhen you stop and think about it , isn`t it just plain crazy ?
ludicrous even ?
to live your life on texts centuries old and are willing to die upholding those beliefs ?.
When you stop and think about it , isn`t it just plain crazy ? Ludicrous even ? To live your life on texts centuries old and are willing to die upholding those beliefs ?
Writings of thousands of years ago by people who by all accounts are men ( no women by the way ,I wonder why that is ) by today`s standards would be considered uneducated simply because they haven`t been exposed to the advancement of knowledge/science that has been accumulated in the centuries since these ancient writings were penned .?
Are the masses of humans around the earth really intelligent ? considering the majority of humans around the earth , male and female live and die according to the texts/scriptures /writings of one form of belief/religion or another that are centuries old in their origins and have no or little relevance to today`s society .
Highlights from Leaked Bethel Videos - part 3, Family Day
by neat blue dog inthen there was family day which had an enormous turnout, with guests getting live entertainment, dancing and a dj.
they said that next time they'll cut back and not invite guests.. .
Where was this ?
Who and how many were invited ? Bethelites and family members only ?
Are we going to see this taking place in other countries around the world also ? if not why not ?
If they are not going to invite guests in the future does that mean it was a financial disaster ?
The guests didn`t contribute enough money to cover expenses /profits ?
How do you deal with the loneliness after leaving?
by Whynot ini'm having one of those days where i feel lonely and wish i had someone to just hang out with.
my husband got disfellowshipped 3 years ago and even though i didn't do anything wrong i was pushed away.
my so called "friends" decided to avoid me.
As a previous poster said about joining a support group if you haven`t already done so having two autistic children must take a lot out of you emotionally and you need support and encouragement .
Don`t deprive yourself , be pro-active in seeking out acquaintances who may very well end up being life-long friends
The advice given here on this forum could be the making of the new you
Good luck .And tell us how things worked out for you in the future,
How do you deal with the loneliness after leaving?
by Whynot ini'm having one of those days where i feel lonely and wish i had someone to just hang out with.
my husband got disfellowshipped 3 years ago and even though i didn't do anything wrong i was pushed away.
my so called "friends" decided to avoid me.
With new people you meet you don`t have to /need to, tell them of your past association with the JW religion either as that could jeopardize any relationship as worldly people can be Judgemental
also on first appearances.
I have made great friends with people over the years who have no idea I was a die-hard JW for over 33 years .
just saying
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Elder during elder meeting: “some one here must made a serious sin. I feel the holy ghost is not present”.
I can relate to that one Gorby one Elder in particular was always on about that when he didn`t think the congregation was being more productive in Bible study`s and return visits