I think , myself ,and others, appreciate you reminding us of those scriptures who had full time jobs all of our lives.
And still slaved for the Borg while we were in.
the apostle paul instructed christians regarding work and providing for oneself.
his bible standards and instructions are completely dismissed by everyone who's jumped on the christianity gravy-train:.
(acts 18:3) "and on account of being of the same trade he stayed at their home, and they worked, for they were tent makers by trade.
I think , myself ,and others, appreciate you reminding us of those scriptures who had full time jobs all of our lives.
And still slaved for the Borg while we were in.
the whitewashing of tm111 from jw history continues - tending to confirm that he was booted.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ghbhv6961a.
i'm pretty sure the cult got him to sign a nice nda - in exchange for a lifetime residency in the house bought by wt..
I tend to agree with posters who suspect TxNVSue2023 is a troll , she claims to be a mid 40 year old who was in da troof for 20 years and then asks stupid questions about the religion .
Just look up her previous posts these past couple of days.
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
With all due respect maybe sue is not all that bright or just cherry picks what advice she will take notice of in these posts.
There are plenty of warnings about getting involved with the JW/WT religion and that she should do more research into their background which she seems to ignore.
Maybe she just likes to get her ears tickled with fantasies.
Apparently she doesn`t want facts to get in the way of her delusions about JW`s being the true religion.
What say you sue ? Be as forthright and blunt as you like sue I`m mature enough to take it !
i didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts.
we know if you are df or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local kh.
do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously?
And if that is the reason why they are not taking your calls anymore ,which sounds like it ,they are not friends worth having and your better off without them IMO.
i didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts.
we know if you are df or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local kh.
do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously?
In my case I would wear that as a badge of honour, the more people that knew me in the many congs.that I attended the better .
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Welcome sue
,Before you commit yourself to any thought of re-instatement you need to realise that the JW religion is no more than an American man made religion that was thought up by a man who had no theology training whatsoever late 1800`s early 1900`s.
And is just a cult religion ,do yourself a favour and learn more about their background and continual failed prophecy`s they have made in their brief history.
I too was a convert and should have had someone tell me that when I was twenty years old and didn`t wake up till 37 years later . Don`t make the same mistake many of us made in the past and waste the rest of your life serving men and not GOD .
Take care smiddy3
Any feedback on the first protest 19-20 Aug,?
j. arden writes.
first of all an apostate is literally just someone who left.
most jws are technically apostates from the religions they were raised in.
Wise words Black Sheep
there is no way i will even try to read such long posts and i`m sure many others here would agree with me.. smiddy3.
Nathan Natas
I hadn`t realised he/she was on here for 13 years ,must be a slow learner maybe ? Please don`t take offence friend ,as their are beleiver`s and non beleivers here that you would be well aware of ,just take the hint and use brevity in your posts .
More people might read them then and comment on your posts.
there is no way i will even try to read such long posts and i`m sure many others here would agree with me.. smiddy3.
There is no way I will even try to read such long posts and I`m sure many others here would agree with me.