Thank you Jan for that ., very interesting.
Any more ?
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Thank you Jan for that ., very interesting.
Any more ?
the belief in the messiah, which has lived in the collective consciousness of humanity since ancient times, became completely obscured among the gentiles, and only remained with the jewish people, who were later chosen by god, as the prophecies of the prophets kept it alive.
there was only one great promise in the old testament from god, which awaited fulfillment!
only one great desire was there in the old testament on the part of man, longing for satisfaction.
Obviously, if Jesus was not who he claimed he was: The “Messiah” and/or the Gospels are myths, then there is no point in considering anything at all about Jesus or the so called New Testament
I think that just about sums up my take on the Bible and where I stand as far as religion is concerned .
Different Countries and cultures came up with their very different beliefs and practices throughout the Centuries.
Christianity is just one of many.
but given the gospels are true, the miracles, his resurrection, God’s voice from heaven, that is striking proof that Jesus is the Messiah.
That is just heresay ,there is no proof at all of what you claim .There is no verified secular record that any of this ever occurred .
All of these claims of proof are contained in a book of fiction that is called the Bible and that is where it should be in a library the fiction section.
No God past or present has ever spoken to anybody from heaven , except to the delusional / or mentally ill person.
GOD ,He /,she ,has had ample opportunity to speak to mankind over many serious events that have taken place in history, both ancient and modern ,and we have heard nothing .......,zilch, from any GOD ever.
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
What does that say about those that do that ?
And if some here can give some examples of those lies told ,it could be very helpful for those who are not aware that this happens.
come join the fun and place your bets for how many patrons lloyd evans will lose for september 2023. .
this month, we start the count at today's tally, 487. we'll check his stats on september 4th (to allot for the weekend after the 1st) and see who gets the closest.
your prize is bragging rights for a full month!.
Put me down for minus 50 please
this has just been posted on youtube regarding tony morris and the reason why he was removed as a gb member and 'relocated'.is tony morris a pedophile / nonce? me know your thoughts down below.celtic.
As I have said on another post ,she sounds credible and telling the truth as she knows it , and if she is not telling the truth she is opening herself up to being sued by Tony and or the WT/JW religion
Watch this space
A convenient accident ? or an act of revenge.?
Who knows.?
study watchtower november 2023 p. 13 par.
19 - "jesus foretold: “you will be hated by all the nations on account of my name.” (matt.
so true christians would be hated because of the name of jesus, not jehovah????.
2000 years later ,do any nations hate anyone because of the name Jesus ? I don`t think so.
And aren`t Christians supposed to be witnesses of Jesus Christ ? No one else ?
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Thank you for your response sue ,I understand better now.But please don`t fall back into the trap of trying to get re-instated again ,
look into JWFacts b4 you make that fateful decision.I
was a convert at 20 years old convinced my then GF to become one also and her sister and a nephew of ours ,married my then GF in a KH a year later ,brought up 2 boys in da troof ,37 years later we were all out ,Thank god ,no he/she had nothing to do with it.It was because of some little niggling points that didn`t seem to gel and then doing my own research on the internet that clinched the deal.JW/WT is a man made American religion that is nothing more or less than a cult religion
.Don`t minimize all of their failed prophecy`s / predictions ,and there are many over the years ,which proves they do not have God`s spirit backing them.Unless you think GOD doesn`t know what he is talking about.
Take care
, I wish you well.smiddy3
the whitewashing of tm111 from jw history continues - tending to confirm that he was booted..
i'm pretty sure the cult got him to sign a nice nda - in exchange for a lifetime residency in the house bought by wt..
I fail to understand if what she is accusing him of is true , why hasn`t she made a formal complaint to the police, or authorities ?
Or has she ?
And if what she is publicly accusing him of is false ,she is opening herself up to being sued by him / and or WatchTower ?
And she doesn`t come across as being a silly / stupid woman just looking / seeking attention !
I guess we will just have to keep watching this space for further developments.
She may very well be a brave woman to do so , so publicly.
the apostle paul instructed christians regarding work and providing for oneself.
his bible standards and instructions are completely dismissed by everyone who's jumped on the christianity gravy-train:.
(acts 18:3) "and on account of being of the same trade he stayed at their home, and they worked, for they were tent makers by trade.
I think , myself ,and others, appreciate you reminding us of those scriptures who had full time jobs all of our lives.
And still slaved for the Borg while we were in.