Thanks to everyone for their comments. I know I didn't respond well to everyone although I'd still like to. Silentlambs is an important topic on this forum and I'm sure it will continue to be. In the future, if I bring up issues with silentlambs, I will definitely try to avoid spreading the "Bill v Ray virus." For now, I just have a few more feelings to express.
I'd like to clarify that I feel proud as an exJW, that another exJW, Bill Bowen has put as much work and money into the silentlambs organization as he has. I see it as a place that's easy for victims to reach. It already has a "marketable" and appropriate name and widespread recognition. Obviously, it offers a voice to victims, offers empowering examples to victims and offers an environment where their voice is accepted as credible. Importantly, true to its niche, I think it recognizes the specific issues that make victims in the JW category know that they are not alone in their feeling of being doubly victimized. (i.e., due to the WTS organization's twisted view of itself and twisted method of handling abuse cases) I'm no expert, but I believe these factors alone make it an important resource for JW and xJW healing, at least in the initial steps.
Some of the future things I'd like to see are already being addressed and it sounds like there are ambitious plans to expand. I'd like to see more of the following: more listings of (inter)national resources (support and legal), balanced discussions and information about: the various stages of recovery, victim mentality, credibility issues, the statute of limitations, consequences of false accusations, rules of evidence, medical issues, psychological issues, experts from both sides of the repressed memory controversy, more publications, reporting laws, book reviews, etc.
Having said that, I believe my concerns over the future of this organization are still valid. I think Bill, in straining his own personal credibility, has also managed to strain the credibility of the silentlambs organization -- but not beyond fixing. Bill has already shown that his organization has good potential. Therefore, I don't think it's ever too early to begin discussing a "backup plan" to help assure the continuity and expansion of that potential. This "backup" might be necessary in the case of serious organizational issues, financial issues, illness, credibility loss, WTS lawsuit, etc.
By a "backup plan" I actually mean two things:
First, I'd like to see evidence that Bill is making more use of other people in the decision-making process, such as experienced legal, marketing and PR strategists.If he already is then it is merely that my opinion doesn't coincide with their recent advice, and perhaps Bill was doing much better without them.
Second, I mean a "co-existing alternative" meaning another organization with another website, run by different people. Resources could be very similar, but perhaps it would play in a quieter niche for now. It also could be a JW-related extension to an existing legal or support organization.
I must admit that I also have concerns that if another group or organization competes in the same JW/xJW niche and becomes successful that Bill may expend too much negative energy on it. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems to me to be part of his revealed nature. Still, it's not such an uncommon or unexpected personality flaw in those who manage to create highly successful organizations.
I've written that I have further evidence of that same personality flaw and I also have evidence of dishonesty, but I don't have proof, and I don't feel I should risk further tearing down beyond what I have already done. Care with evidence is necessary because others may re-use it for a different purpose from that which was intended. I do believe we have an obligation to tear down and criticize to the point where we believe we are trying to accomplish something useful or good in the long run. Silentlambs is in its beginning stages and if we wish to be truly loyal to its cause, we will all do what we can to help put it on a surer footing.
I should also clarify that I do not, as it has been suggested, have any "evidence" from Ray Franz or any of the other people that Bill has referred to as "the GB of the xJWs." Perhaps it's not even fair to imply that I have more evidence than I have divulged. Then again, others in this thread have already offered evidence of the same type. I have nothing substantially more to add than what has already been expressed in various places.
Edited by - Gamaliel on 21 November 2002 13:48:2