I was mugged once by a guy who waited outside a store for me, and caught me with my hands full and off my guard. He got my money, police said he targeted me because I was white and appeared vulnerable. I was lucky enough to spot him again a few days later, and I was prepared for the encounter this time. I absolutely guarantee he will never mug anyone again, for the rest of his life. His career in crime ended, once and for all, on that day.
ummm...ok then. Girl, you are bad!! I don't even want to know what you did.
loubelle....I didn't know crime was that bad in SA. I know how hard it is just to pick up and leave a place you used to love. But, sometimes you have to do the hardest things to make sure you survive in this world.
One of the reasons I left the south..literally picked up my babies and moved everything 1000 miles away...was because I was raped by two guys who were sentenced to life plus 45 years. One stayed in prison. But, one got out for a while on a technicality, and started coming to my house, even though he was ordered to never come near me. (big joke) He came to my house on Christmas eve while I was having family party, (that's how bold the bastard was) and I decided right then I was leaving. I was not going to become a "statistic" and be the leading story in the newspaper. He terrified me, and by the time the cops got there, he was always gone. He eventually went back to prison, but leaving was the best thing I did. Besides that, I've been robbed at gunpoint in Chicago. Walking home from work, this woman and a guy had been stalking me since I'd left Jackson Hewitt. They thought I'd cashed my income tax check. Thank goodness the bank was closed. They got the check, but I stopped payment. They got all my house keys too. My ID. I sat up all night with a baseball bat waiting for them to come to my house. I got the locks changed the next day, My best friend and her family were murdered in SC. My car window was smashed out in WI while we were at the movies watching Passion of the Christ. They stole the stereo system. Crazy thing was it was broad daylight, and my car alarm was going off like crazy!! We called the cops who came and checked the cameras. We sat in the office and watched this guy on videotape pull up in a car, smash the window with a crowbar, and rip out the stereo. All the time people were walking all around. A car even pulled up and parked right beside him. I wrote a letter to the paper asking why in the world with all the camera phones around, even if no one wanted to get involved, they could have come inside and told someone, or snapped a quick pic. Because he was never arrested. The license plate was dirty. Alarm systems are a joke. My two teenaged sons were robbed at gunpoint at a park. Some thugs walked up and put a gun to my 13 yo sons head. All they had was $5. Even with a description, the cops never found them. My daughter was robbed at a bus stop. But two strangers ran across the street to help her.