That account is found in two Gospels; Luke 8 and Mark 5. Here's my question. In Both accounts all the people at the house are crying and wailing loudly saying the girl is dead.
Jesus tells them the girl is NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING.
For someone who expects BILLIONS upon billions of people that have lived the past two thousands years, to believe some man that lived 2000 years ago, and has the power to resurrect hundreds of billions of people who have died from the time of Cave Men, with every single one of their memories intact IT'S ASKING A LOT base on three measly resurrections that are questionable to begin with.
Instead he resurrects less than three people in his entire lifetime, two that weren't even buried yet, and one in a secluded place with only friends around to witness the event.
What impact would that have on convincing people that this man performing thousands of resurrections was God or sent by God?
If this man said; "Follow me and you will have life eternal"
It's found in 3 accounts, not 2.
It seems that you are the only one questioning what a resurrection is or is not. Whether the 12-year-old girl was clinically dead or in a comatose state, she apparently was in a state that her parents could not awaken her, and Jesus came and brought her out of the state, back to a lively awoken state.
Yet today we are talking about those 3 measly so-called resurrections from nearly 2,000 years ago. I wish I had a $1 for everyone today that believes that these 3 events took place.