serena williams

by FreeFallin 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • FreeFallin

    not really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv WTF

  • joe134cd

    They have really created a hornets nest with women. Like Michael Jackson, they never should have allowed her to get baptised.

  • TonusOH

    Yeah, I raised an eyebrow when I heard that she was part of the halftime show. I wonder if the GB will say anything about it...

  • Magnum

    I don't give a @#$% about Serena Williams, but if she claims to be a JW and conducts herself the way she does and the org doesn't do anything about it, then I'm furious. Hell, I got picked on for minor things and was scrutinized my entire life as a JW. I remember once in the early 90's when I shaved late one night and went out in the ministry the next morning without shaving that morning. An elder said something to me about it. I don't even have really heavy facial hair - just kind of normal or average. I was thinking damned, dude, are you looking that close at my face? I effin hate JWdom.

  • Vidiot

    Wouldn’t it be a kick if she was PIMO, and deliberately acting out to show how hypocritical the WTS is for *not* disciplining her?


  • liam
  • Vanderhoven7

    I don't see the problem either. You would think that the WT would have had a problem with Serena Williams posing topless for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar though. And did WT say anything about Venus Williams posing naked in 2014 and offering to do it again?

  • Duran

    I guess I am older and out of the loop then I knew...but what is a 'C Walk' and what is wrong with doing it from a JW stance...remember when those at Bethel did this...

    Happy @ Bethel - Betel Testimoni di Geova - Jehovah's Witnesses - JW - jw - Full Video - FullHD

    JWs were HAPPY to join with the rest of the 'Worldly' people and UN to promote such...

    Join Pharrell Williams and the UN for a Happy Planet |

    Pharrell - Happy - Worldwide Compilation #HappyDay

  • Magnum

    If you had lived in JW Land for decades in the 60's through 90's, you'd know what is wrong with it from the JW perspective. She's on stage with a bunch of people who project a thuggish image, who have morals that are nowhere near those required of JWs, who live for money and fame and sex, etc. The whole thing smacks of "wordliness."* It implies friendship with "the world." It does not look like the behavior of one who thinks billions of lives are in imminent danger, who "seeks first the kingdom," who has forsaken the world, etc.

    Anybody who doesn't see what's wrong with it from the JW perspective is either young and inexperienced or was never a JW.

    *I'm speaking from the JW perspective, not mine.

  • Anony Mous

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