It appears you don't know what you believe/think/are saying.
You said this to me:
I'm looking for a scripture connecting the 8th king to a judgment period.
God's people will indeed be persecuted by the 8th king.
I do agree, that eventually there will only be two groups left, those for God and those against. The latter will receive an adverse judgment. They will be destroyed
To start, it is clear that I view the scarlet beast to be the 8th king, at the point the kings give their authority to it, which happens after it comes out of the abyss.
Likewise, the sea beast I view to be the 8th king, at the point it is given authority for 42 months, which happens after it is healed.
I think they are one in the same, just explained from two different ways, and details have to be added together to get full picture.
That said, let's keep in mind what you said in the quotes above and add that you say the image that the earth beast makes is the scarlet beast which is the 8th king.
Okay, let's 'disappear' the sea beast and just focus on your version of the 8th king.
You said:
This new beast is called the scarlet-colored wild beast (beast from the abyss). This is the beast that Jesus disposes of, alongside the false prophet (19:20).
So, you say your scarlet beast/8th king is who along with the earth beast/false prophet is thrown into the fiery lake.
[20 And the [scarlet] wild beast [8th king] was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur. 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword that proceeded out of the mouth of the one seated on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.]
Let's now go back to your quotes above:
God's people will indeed be persecuted by the 8th king
What Scriptures in Rev can you cite to show that your scarlet/8th king will persecute God's people?
I do agree, that eventually there will only be two groups left, those for God and those against. The latter will receive an adverse judgment. They will be destroyed
What Scriptures in Rev can you cite that will bring about these two groups?
What Scriptures in Rev can you cite that shows the outcome for those that are for God?