Who is perfoming the signs, beast from the earth or the sea beast?
Are you seriously asking that? I clearly addressed that. According to Rev here It is the earth beast/false prophet that performs the signs in front/insight of the sea beast.
Then according to Rev here the sea beast and the earth beast/false prophet gets thrown into the fiery lake.
Is there a reason why you are stuck on Revelation only?
I am not stuck there. I could gladly show the same by referring to the KOTN, MOL, small horn, KFIC, the Northerner, etc.
You are the reason why it's necessary to focus on Rev right now, because you speak about the 8th king/scarlet beast and claim the sea beast is not the same and apparently don't think that the 42 months the sea beast is given is the GT/judgment/MOTB time.
You should be able to show everything you claim just by using Rev and then you can show how others correspond with what you have shown in Rev.
If you are trying to shy away from Rev, it is because you can't use it to back up what you claim.
"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands" (Rev. 7:9 ESV)
You cite that in regard to my question:
[What Scriptures can you cite that shows the outcome for those that are for God?]
Your reply was fine, but it lacks the context and that is that the great multitude, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, come out of the GT.
So, the question here is, what/where in Rev is the GT that they come out of?
Do you agree that the GT period that they come out of is Rev 13:5,7,10?
And that during that time is when the choice has to be made to either worship God or the beast? (Rev 14:6,7,9-12)
Then after that period the following takes place?
Rev 19:19-21;20:4;7:9,13,14
Why do you feel the urge to conclude your scriptural thoughts with a music video?
LOL! Because 'I love music' and the way my mind/personality works, is when I hear or read certain things, I automictically hear a song in my head that I am reminded of. Writing/reading 'fiery lake', I heard Ian singing 'FIRE"! I post it at times just for the sake of adding something else to the replies, because I know that many here get over seeing fools like us go back and forth.