Hi, everyone
I not new new... i have been here before under a different user, i just forgot my log-in info after a long time...so i created a new one.I from time to time post something. Usually I just like reading post, cuz you guys are great.
I consider myself a Atheist. I came to this conclusion a few years ago, but i think I have always been skeptical about god's existence.I don’t ever remember having experiencing the holy spirit, or anything supernatural Good or Evil, so I cannot relate to people who have.I always thought I was good person (never steal, fornicated or hurt anyone), yet never felt blessed by god. I never felt good enough.What da Phuck do I need to do to get Gods Approval?...at the end...its cuz nobody is home up there.
I had a generally mild traumatic experience this past weekend. I decided to go get me a quick bite to eat at small Fast food place, it was slow at the time and there was just one other customer that placed a order after me. He seemed like a nice older man, we chatted about food, and he even recommended me a good fried chicken place to go. Once my order was ready i picked it up, left, and said goodbye. I got into my car and drove about 1/2 mile to a grocery store to do some shopping. Then noticed a problem I CANT FIND MY WALLET!!!! (enter dramatic music here). I rushed back (10 min later). It turns out, I (like a dumbass) left my wallet on the counter of pickup window of the Fast food place, and the nice older man took it.
I immediately felt shame, and verbally beat myself for pucking up. I also then felt confused, why did he take it? Why didn’t he turn it in to the establishment? then...(here is the kicker) I started to feel that this older man is going to HELL. HELL. God is going to punish this man.
Why was I feeling this way? Could it be that, I have not totally stop believing in God? Hmmm. Could it be just a force of years of habit?My experience is not that traumatic compare to, for example: losing a love one. Could extreme emotional trauma drive you back (to religion)?
Has anyone ever had such a crisis of faith or no faith, after a traumatic experience?