Seabreeze-Most Christians simply believe that the Resurrection really happened and that is the simple foundation for their faith. Churches are there so that like-minded people can hear the word of God, be encouraged and fellowship with one-another.
This is more or less what the episcopal church I watch online is. It's mostly ritual, some reading of the Old testament, a gospel and letters of the apostles. People are there mostly, from what I perceive, to listen to the readings, sing the songs, take the Eucharist and listen to the 30 min priest's sermon.
There's no real promising of anything in regards to the future except for the hope of heaven after death. But the focus is really never on the future, rather it's on living with faith now and simply hope for the best.
I also attended the meeting this weekend at the KH, and as usual, a very big deal is made of living for the future aka paradise after Armageddon. The public talk speaker tried his best to extract some kind of emotion from the audience when he emphasized the hope for paradise when "all our problems will be solved". But when I looked around people were either yawning or staring into space.
It seems that more than ever, the live only for the future schtick is really wearing thin these days.