JoinedTopics Started by Halcon
The point of existence and how it refutes the Trinity
by slimboyfat inrowan williams, the former archbishop of canterbury gave an interesting answer to the somewhat stark question, what’s the point of us existing?
as a christian, my starting point is that we exist because the most fundamental form of activity, energy, call it what you like, that is there, is love.
that is, it’s a willingness that the other should be.
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
Is Jesus a Created Being? Debate with a Pastor
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/ro6q_osgkns?si=hyxualluhruwvjnb.
—colossians 1:15 from the nwt says it plain as day: “he is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation.” that’s not vague; it’s got a punch.
“firstborn” and “creation” sit side by side, and in greek, that second word is “ktisis,” which means the physical stuff—trees, stars, you name it.
Just because Jehovah had to prove His Right To Rule? I don't think so!
by liam inwe get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Why the WATCHTOWER doesn't believe in the GREAT APOSTASY but you should!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/i4uttjj7eus?si=0b-fzpqm8axb_d3p.
in its latest april 2025 watchtower study article 17 and paragraph 12 the watchtower promotes 2 dangerous lies that will cost your life if you are a believing christian during the time of the end, so i'm considering today the first lie in the first part of the paragraph, but first let's read the paragraph itself: "today, jehovah promises to provide us with spiritual protection.
he will never allow satan to corrupt true worship.
Is the Watchtower Ultimately a Creation of Fallen Angels?
by Sea Breeze ina watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
Is Jesus the Creator?
by Sea Breeze inthat's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog inhe will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience..... the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
a christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience.
generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage..
What evidence is there for a biblical jesus?
by Touchofgrey inis there any independently verified evidence that a miracle worker called jesus existed and did the things that the bible said he did?.
the four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events, so can't be considered as eyewitness accounts.
i think that there may have been a apocalyptic preacher who was executed by the romans and the story evolved from their.