their masonic/satanic goals are more along the lines of...
(1) getting people to corrupt their own worship by following twisted doctrines
(2) stumbling people into rejected God after seeing hypocrisy/lies in religion
You may be confusing two different things. As others here have pointed out, JW may be a lot of things but satanists is hugely improbable.
If you are a person of Christian faith, you will see how in ancient Egyptian and Greek religion there was zero place for God YHWH and certainly no place for anything remotely reflecting the concept of Christ. These religions had their own gods and til this day they want nothing to do with Christ.
On the other side, the Christian, there is no place for Isis, Osiris, Ra , Zeus , or Hermes for example. Logic would tell you it would be easier to worship these entities than flat out satan, but JW doesn't.
In fact, one could argue that JW are less polluted than Catholics or any other Christian religion that incorporates some blatantly pagan practices like easter egg hunting and gift giving at Christmas or trick or treating.
But corrupting and stumbling people is not really the final aim of the snake. Survival is. satan is not an all powerful being that can give life onto himself. He needs help. And since he is a spiritual being, help is attempted to be given to him intentionally thru spiritual mechanisms.
JW is pretty consistent about warning against practicing spiritism, sorcery, demonology, going so far as discouraging even just watching a movie like Harry Potter. Once I was told by an elder that even Frankenstein was demonic hehe.
Jesus himself very logically pointed out that satan cannot stand against himself. The Masons as you pointed out are overt in their practices when you see them from the spiritual perspective. They don't hide anything at all.
And personally, I suspect authentic Satanists wouldn’t want ‘em.
No they don't.