Tony's excursions to the local ABC stores really were 'heaven sent', IF the rest of the GB was looking for a way to oust him.
JoinedPosts by Halcon
The coup against Tony Morris in order to make major changes?
by Badfish init’s been a long time since i’ve kept up with anything jw-related.
but just a couple days ago, i heard about all the new changes—beards, shunning, etc.
i was surprised, so i asked an old friend who i hadn’t spoken to in ages what happened.
June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog inthe latest study edition mentions hypothetical scenarios of jws who are no longer serving at bethel or no longer elders, etc.
and says we shouldn't speculate, as defaming them could border on slander.. we could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information.
..... would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?.
If we base it on recent patterns, we may be about to see a number of governing body members get unloaded.
Perhaps more likely, it could be that JW is about to do away with circuit overseers or even doing away with a body of elders. Have just one 'pastor' per congregation, just like mainstream church.
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Why do JWs act like horny teenagers? It's almost like they've never matured past that mental age
To be fair, this is common amongst most men everywhere... especially the dreaded simps...
But there is certainly A LOT of sexual repression in JW. The sisters wearing pants and guys allowed to have beards now is going to change the sexual dynamic in a considerable way for JW. Human beings are going to be human beings after all.
The new 90 day expulsion 'rule' makes expulsion itself obsolete.
Instead of adding to the 'urgency' of last days, JW seems to be relaxing instead.
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? The recent changes and the Governing Body's 10 year plan
by redsetter2 ini am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
The whole sex thing sounds absurd. However, sex has always been a taboo subject with JWs. If these sex 'directives' are part of a new elder manual then maybe. But they can't possibly teach these in a watchtower study.
God, one person, or three?
by slimboyfat inthe trinity doctrine says god is three persons in one being.. yet the bible says god is one.. gal 3.20 a mediator, however, implies more than one party; but god is one.
gal 3.20 now a mediator is not for just one person, but god is one.
more precisely, this is accepted by people like Dan Brown and other anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, atheist, often communist authors who want to prove at all costs that mainstream Christianity is just a collection of stupid legends, and these poor imbeciles couldn't come up with anything on their own.
The 'argument from authority ' is PRECISELY what you use when you quote all of your sources of authority to attempt to explain ONE simple verse that contradicts the Trinity doctrine. Why are your sources valid but not the ones I and others on this thread referred to?
And when you render ALL of the observations made by all the historians and scholars regarding the undebatable influence Greek philosophy has on Christianity as fodder for Dan Brown (I'm assuming you're referring to the Davinci Code guy), you are no different than the next fanatical defender at all costs of their religion.
Talk about a conspiracy theory.
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Although I don't worship, I absolutely love the Catholic art aesthetic. Going to Rome and seeing the Vatican itself, all the little churches and basilicas spread throughout the city made me fall in love with it. Even before all these changes I always wondered what the big deal was with the cross. Jesus died and that's all that matters.
God, one person, or three?
by slimboyfat inthe trinity doctrine says god is three persons in one being.. yet the bible says god is one.. gal 3.20 a mediator, however, implies more than one party; but god is one.
gal 3.20 now a mediator is not for just one person, but god is one.
. The bottom line: the CONTENT of Catholic theology was not influenced by some kind of evil "philosophy", and you will not be able to attack it, based on the fact that the philosophical concepts used for the TERMINOLOGY for formulating the doctrines are also used
Are you truly sure about this?...
Plato lived between 420 and 340 BC... that's actually HUNDREDS of years before Christ was born, and the subsequent books by his apostles were written.
Further, someone like Augustine didn't come around til about another 300 years after Christ, and JUST after Plotinus expanded on Plato's philosophy.
But I don't "condemn" philosophy per se. I don't call it evil. It is amply accepted by historians and scholars that neoplatonism had an immense influence on Christianity and in fact PROPELLED it forward past the middle ages, whereas neoplatonism itself diminished in influence and recently has revived interest.
I simply point out the well established fact that these philosophers had a huge impact on the way the scriptures are interpreted when it comes to the Trinity doctrine. And that this influence is truly the source of so much of its confusion.
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
I also predict that the cross and crucifix will become a non issue. Cross, stake .... what does it matter?... And again there's nothing specific in the scriptures on it either aka there's no verse stating that it wasn't a cross specifically.
God, one person, or three?
by slimboyfat inthe trinity doctrine says god is three persons in one being.. yet the bible says god is one.. gal 3.20 a mediator, however, implies more than one party; but god is one.
gal 3.20 now a mediator is not for just one person, but god is one.
from your sharing of the link I'm assuming you don't disagree with me? : )
God, one person, or three?
by slimboyfat inthe trinity doctrine says god is three persons in one being.. yet the bible says god is one.. gal 3.20 a mediator, however, implies more than one party; but god is one.
gal 3.20 now a mediator is not for just one person, but god is one.
This is a doctrine of faith. The Council of Florence solemnly declares: "In God, all is one
This is a doctrine of neoplatonism/platonism