Listener-They further state in the article that as Jesus has his own source of life, he is the power to resurrect and was given those keys.
It makes sense that God would bestow this ability to his Son, for obvious reasons.
Earnest -in the September 15, 2003 Watchtower it distinguishes between Jesus as having "life in himself" (John 5:26), meaning he can impart life to others, and his followers as having "life in themselves" (John 6:53
This interpretation is more straight forward and clear, life simply meaning existing vs not existing.
Ty Listener for further clarifying that no actual Scriptures were used by the speaker. The notion that God would ascend the 144k to such a degree so as to be just like him is rather neoplatonist.
It's saying that if God chooses to destroy you, you can just regenerate yourself back to existence. What an absurd idea.