Jesus and Paul both stated that it was BEST if you didn't get married at all.
But if you must (whatever crazy reason for it you may concoct) then everything else the NT recommends would apply.
republicans want to make a law that forbids ‘uncontested divorce”.
they based this on this scripture.. matthew 19. is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”.
4 “haven’t you read,” jesus replied, “that at the beginning the creator ‘made them male and female,’and said, ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Jesus and Paul both stated that it was BEST if you didn't get married at all.
But if you must (whatever crazy reason for it you may concoct) then everything else the NT recommends would apply.
sea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
Of course, of my all time faves. I think it's a great proposition on who our Creator may have been/is. But even in this wonderful film there was the stated possibility that the engineers had their own Creator. It always goes back to the being at the very start. But I agree it's a wonderful film and 'theory' and it does a decent job, as you stated, in attempting to explain some things.
I never said God doesn’t exist. What I said was;
Is there an All Knowing Benevolent, Omnipotent God? I'd argue that nature of life on Earth and the course of human history makes it impossible to accept, that a "perfect, benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient God, who is ruler of the universe. and originator of all life"……...Actually Exists.
Here, as nicolaou does, we are going by our own comprehension of what these things are or aren't. We assume these concepts (perfection, omnipotence, omniscience) are concepts we ACTUALLY understand when we are simply flesh and blood that eventually dies. Even the concept of benevolence and love are subjective. For example, in this world (despite all the 'bad' you listed), there is also plenty of 'good' that man has not interfered with or created himself.
sea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
Why doesn't he lift a finger to protect rape victims and abused children? Even I with my "limited comprehension of reality as a human being" can see that that isn't right.
It isn't right because we assume we know what and why God is thinking and doing or not doing. When we assume this, we proceed to demand an explanation.
As a believer myself, I am faced with a greater dilemma than you (a non believer) in trying to reconcile this problem. And the closest I can come to it is the fact that I simply don't comprehend enough. I may never understand enough. But I accept this. I accept that God is a superior being to me and knows or comprehends the issue to a much greater extent than I.
This of course isn't anything new, it's what the scriptures repeatedly state. That we are not the same as God.
sea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
Liam -Not me, I couldn’t do that. I can’t see one child starving to death and do nothing, or a mother dying of cancer and not step in to try to help. Yet millions upon millions of children have starved to death and millions of mothers have died of cancer leaving the father and children to fend for themselves.
9. Yet we believe a Perfect, benevolent, All Powerful, All Knowing God that loves us..Exists. It makes no sense.
The fact that God doesn't align with what you believe God should be does not mean he doesn't exist.
If God is truly all knowing, it automatically sets him apart from our own very limited comprehension of reality as human beings.
good pick?
bad pick?
helpful to president biden?
liama -Hate to say it, but Harris is winning Trump in the Polls, by a lot. She just got a 250 Million donations by liberal billionaires. And most Democrats are voting for her cause she is a Woman and because she is black.
The polls in swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan etc are starting to lean into Harris. This is insane if it is true. This despite Kamala not saying anything substantial except yell at Palestinian protesters in Michigan.
I'm starting to really truly believe this election is going to be stolen before our very eyes without being able to do a thing about it.
good pick?
bad pick?
helpful to president biden?
Indeed, the backstabbing is not surprising after all.
After watching clips of the 'Twerking for Kamala' presidential rally in Georgia, I found myself nearly becoming depressed.
However, kamala's team knew what they were doing and for all intents and purposes it worked. People voting above everything based on identity politics simply dug in their heels after twerking along with those dancers.
This is to say, that in truth, this entire country's government in modern times is completely responsible for creating this possibility where twerking is now an acceptable method of campaigning for the office of the United States of America. Both parties are at fault in various degrees, and if Kamala twerks her way to the oval office then we deserve it as a nation in the end.
good pick?
bad pick?
helpful to president biden?
As far as the Obama backing Kamala, they did so holding their noses, they waited until Kamala had the requisite delegates.
Exactly. This was a very reluctant endorsement. And they waited a whole week? Even Pelosi and Schumer endorsed her within the day. That meant that the party was never going to put up an alternative to Kamala. Why it would take Obama a whole additional week to finally endorse her is odd.
i’m wondering what jws are taught or generally think the scriptures mean when they describe humanity has made in the image and likeness of god?
if there is a teaching on that.
But yes, also as Balaam stated, JW believes that what is reflected is God's invisible aspects like love, peace , patience etc...
i’m wondering what jws are taught or generally think the scriptures mean when they describe humanity has made in the image and likeness of god?
if there is a teaching on that.
Personally, is it reasonable to believe the creator of the vast universe of BILLIONS of Gallaxies, has the time or intrest to spend all day WATCHING YOU individually? Does God have the spare time to Care about who you love? Does God Want to destroy you for not visiting him, and worshipping him/her the exact right way EVERY week?
Balaam, only if you believe in him.
good pick?
bad pick?
helpful to president biden?
Still nothing from Obama endorsing Kamala.
The only way Biden could halfway redeem himself is if he went off script at his press conference tonight and started yelling that he's been robbed.