Leaving the procured blood continuously attached to the patient through the collection tubing makes the procedure acceptable to most Jehovah's Witness patients.
Yes and this was the point I was driving at. You quoted an article from a time (1981) when this procedure was not acceptable to JW's in any form, as it was considered a storage of blood outside the body. (To be honest it is difficult to see that much blood (~Two units) collected in storage bags and not think it's being stored.)
As I said, JW HLC's recommend both uses of autologous blood today, (hemodilution and cell salvage) and in some cases have actually donated the equipment for the latter.
Rather that quote articles back and forth about a friendly discussion?
Do you believe that transfusion falls under the umbrella of biblical prohibitions against eating blood?
If so, why? I honestly don't see how the argument can be made without establishing an equivalency of some sort.....