The CDC estimates influenza deaths in the U.S. this season (October 2019 - March 2020) at 24,000 to 62,000.
I think I know where you're going with this on a Covid-19 thread, but I hope I'm wrong.
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
The CDC estimates influenza deaths in the U.S. this season (October 2019 - March 2020) at 24,000 to 62,000.
I think I know where you're going with this on a Covid-19 thread, but I hope I'm wrong.
background info: although i'm an apostate, i don't hate jehovah's witnesses, or the organization itself.
actually i find that many derogatory comments here are extremely biased.
i think most of them are amazing people, and i wish more non-witnesses were like them.
You question seems to have a basic tenet of the JW's built into it as an a priori assumption
JW's and kindred groups believe the sixty-six book compilation is a single, contiguous work with a central theme and internal continuity from cover to cover.
(As opposed to a loosely organized anthology reflecting a number of theological views which did not truly reach its final form until the Middle Ages.)
I'm really not sure how some of the doctrines you mention above could be judged as scriptural or unscriptural in the absence of this view.
I'm willing to don that cap sometimes for the sake of discussion with a believing JW, but I'm a little puzzled here, since you're not.
it lasts for 45 minutes, but the first 11 minutes are more than enough to see that something is not quite right regarding the media's information about covid 19. the video has english subtitles.
Don't shoot the messenger!
Icke is not simply a "messenger."
He starts with his conclusion and backs into it
That is a style of argumentation (And logical fallacy) that everyone familiar with the JW's should be intimately acquainted with
having commented earlier on experts' differing views, here's a prominent german physician/politician - wolfgang wodarg - who made controvorsial statements that the coronavirus "pandemic" is not out of the ordinary and that italy's mortality rate (8,215 deaths from coronavirus so far) is no greater than it would normally be from the 'flu virus.
in 2017/18 approx 18,000 italians died due to the flu.. the wikipedia section - controversial theses in the 2020 covid 19 crisis - is worth examining.
So a scientist advances a theory. It's torn to shreds by his peers, not just of its inaccuracy, but for its faulty methodology.
The data since early 2020 has not followed the model suggested by the theory, providing further disconfirmation,
Die Glaubwürdigkeit von Herrn Wodarg ist jetzt ernsthaft geschädigt...
Was your intention to highlight the difference between how science works and how religion works?
let's add to the following list.
jws are mistaken when they believe the bible teaches:.
1. that their leaders somehow represent the faithful and wise servant.
--But that matter [circumcision] came up because of the false brothers brought in quietly, who slipped in to spy on the freedom we enjoy in union with Christ Jesus, so that they might completely enslave us
Paul and James lob insults at each other all through the NT.
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
I'm very pleased that this administration took strong measures at a time when conservative pundits (e.g. Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, et al) were claiming this was a "Deep State" conspiracy no worse than the common cold.
Even more recently, Aaron Ginn's piece of nonsense was taken down by and I have not heard anyone in the administration regurgitating it.
So yeah. No complaints from me
so my wife is so diluted and brainwashed.
during this time she is having so much anxiety, mainly because me and my son's want nothing to do with the religion.. so the discussion was, i told her will never go back because they go way beyond what the bible teaches all the time.
i brought up overlapping generation, 607 and then i told me where in the bible that jesus returned invisbly in 1914 and started ruling?
I brought up overlapping generation, 607 and then i told me where in the bible that jesus returned invisbly in 1914 and started ruling?
This isn't going to help her...
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
That Thing You Do!
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
let's add to the following list.
jws are mistaken when they believe the bible teaches:.
1. that their leaders somehow represent the faithful and wise servant.
I would put the idea that the 66 book compilation is a single, contiguous, harmonious work at the top of the list.
It's not....
even if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
Taking America as an example, there are 6,200 cases of COVID-19 infection with 105 deaths. That's a death rate of around 1.6%, compared to a death rate of 13.7% from the annual 'flu.
Could you elaborate on your 13.7% figure?
The Spanish Influenza (i.e. the pandemic of 1918) in its most lethal form had a case fatality rate of slightly over 4%. The overall mortality rate is set by most sources at around 2.5%.