That being said, I do still have a constant debate in my mind. For example, with everything that is going on right now (the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket) it seems like it could be a really bad time to be leaving on the off chance that they actually are right.
That is an instinctive human reaction to the uncertainty of the future. None of us can predict the future, so we, "What if" as a basic survival mechanism.
It's a very powerful tool in the hands of any high-control group.
The JW's went bonkers during the Cuban Missile Crises. They went bonkers when Kennedy was assassinated and during the Vietnam War and during the race riots of the 60's. Life went on.
Regardless of what the future holds, we've reached the point where time has simply run out for the JW's. The clock started ticking when the great crowd was identified in 1935. That was 85 years ago and these people were not children at the time.
In retrospect it is painfully obvious that these people were not even prospective members of that group, given the fact that you have to live to see the great tribulation to have any hope of surviving.
This might seem like a minor problem until you stop and consider that growing old, dying and being resurrected is not a Christian hope in JW theology.