We could just as easily replace the cat with a gust of wind from an open window....
In neither case is the shattering of glass information in the sense that language, codes, cyphers, hieroglyphics, paintings, pictograms. knotted strings, story sticks and all other products of intelligent minds are.
When physicists speak of an information wave vs a matter waved, they're talking about theoretical states at the quantum level. Neither is information in the specific sense above, which we reserve to describe the transmission of thought.
We could, I suppose, argue that the molecular arrangement of carbon in your example is the information contained in the wave, but that doesn't really get us anywhere, as it's simply a circular prior assumption of the intelligent design of carbon.
DNA comes a little closer to making your point because there's no question that the instructions to encode proteins are in a sense, information, but it's also equally true that were talking about biochemical reactions that happen all on their own even in the most primitive forms of life
Resolving that question would require us to go back to the source of life itself, which is the million dollar question and what the whole debate is about.
--Interesting patio conversation over a beer, but not a question that can be resolved with a magic bullet.