Fred Franz declared in a 1940's court case that Jehovah was the editor of The Watchtower when in truth old Freddie was really the editor. So here you have the single most important member of the JW organization from the 40's clear up through the 70's claiming that he was for all practical purposes, inspired. And that idea was never repudiated
It really comes down to the fact that JW leaders and policy makers want it both ways. They want to be regarded as more than sincere students of the Bible because all Christian religions have an identical and equal right to that claim. So they play fast and loose with definitions. They wrap themselves up in the notion of spirit direction, but deny that this qualifies as inspiration.
That's semantic legerdemain because direction is a defining term of the word inspiration. The fundamental meaning is that the person or group has thought or acted in a way that would not otherwise have happened without at least a nudge in the right direction from God.