But I doubt there is tie between the ballot and the ID. That would remove confidentiality.
The connection (Or lack thereof) to a living person is only supposed to be verified by computer. There are people with physical access to the voter database, but they are legally bound to respect confidentiality. One of the objections of the Board of Supervisors to turning over the database to a third party was that (In the opinion of their attorneys) it was technically a violation of the law, as a third party might not respect that confidentiality.
And at one point, the Cyber Ninjas actually did want to canvass votes they thought were suspect. The idea was that ballots that appeared to be filled out too precisely were actually done by machine. That was prevented by threat of legal action.
Another theory of the Cyber Ninja's was that "fake" ballots would contain bamboo fiber (Presumably because they had been produced in Asia) To my knowledge, they did not find any.
At no point did the Ninja's ever seem to understand that the signature is not the primary verification in AZ, as the whole idea was to prevent illegals from voting. The Republicans got what they wanted. They got a system where voter registration must tie to a state issued ID for the vote to be counted. Suddenly, almost overnight some of them have developed amnesia.
Like I said, the system is not fool-proof. There were two people monitoring the drop box I saw, but I only saw one. I don't doubt that some were not monitored properly, but to me, it's a huge jump from that to ballots forged in quantities to tip the election one way or another.