It was around 1972 that Singapore refused to recognize the JW’s as a organized religion, seized their assets and chattel, and banned the distribution of WTB&TS literature for among other things:
"The doctrine of the sect and nature of its propaganda are based on its claim that ‘Satan’ and its dispensation, are responsible for all organised Government and religion. The result of the impending ‘Armageddon’ will be the destruction of everyone except Jehovah’s Witnesses who will inherit the earth.”
JW's do not alter their beliefs in response to government pressure; they simply become less forthright about those beliefs. Ambiguous statements that seemed to imply others might survive Armageddon were only for PR. Interspersed with those, were stronger statements that only JW's would pick up on.
Stating, for example that only those speaking the "pure language" will survive has an esoteric meaning that outsiders are very unlikely to comprehend.