The act of attributing a custom, event, belief or object to a period to which it does not belong.
The JW distinction between spirit vs biological beings is a modern belief that isn't accepted by all Christian religions even today.
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
The act of attributing a custom, event, belief or object to a period to which it does not belong.
The JW distinction between spirit vs biological beings is a modern belief that isn't accepted by all Christian religions even today.
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
The Book of Jubilees claims the angels are circumcised. The JW view of non-corporeal, sexless entities is a modern innovation.
(i apologise if this is the wrong section for this - its the one i think suits best)this may sound really cliché (it does in my opinion) and a first world thing, but it bothers me someone can be like this and spout these "illogical" arguments (among others, which i will list as questions in the near future)i recently (as of 21/11/22) finished up a conversation with someone on a few things - i find one of their "implications" slightly concerning.. they wouldn't accept "evidence" from scholars who seemingly didn't agree with their standpoint which is interesting.
i.e on the divine name, i listed scholars such as george howard - i got the answer "try a real scholar"or another example i cited beduhn as (in my opinion) he is easy to understand but then got told "he doesn't teach greek at a university so his opinion is not valid" - scholars may not cite beduhn, but from looking at other factors he really gets nothing wrong (linguistically)once again i apologise if this is wasting anyone's time.
If you have a basic understanding of a subject, then don't argue with those who don't.
If you don't have a basic understanding of a subject, then don't argue at all.
You can't argue trigonometry with someone who doesn't understand a right triangle and you can't argue translation with someone who is not familiar with both languages.
-Not trying to be flippant and sorry if it sounds that way.
i'll assume we have all felt a jolt of loss when a favorite tv, movie or book character dies.
when i watched the death of the incredible hulk tv movie after years of reading the comics and watch the tv show i was impacted.
funny even today it just feels wrong.
Wasn't happy about the death of Paul Atreides (Dune) but I suppose I should have seen it coming.
Two that really bothered me were the deaths of Bubba Blue and Freida Riley (Forest Gump & October Sky)
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
One of the things that makes writing styles distinctive is that the average person only uses about 1/4 to 1/3 of the words available in their language and this vocabulary varies from person to person to person.
So when one book of the Bible contains approximately 150 words that aren't found in any other book, it is definitely a distinctive writing style.
One can no doubt find ways to explain this discrepancy, but I would agree that dismissing what little evidence we have is not evidence in and of itself.
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
Paul generally made a point of naming himself as the author of the books he wrote, apparently because he was concerned about forgeries in his name. The writer of Hebrews does not name himself.
Paul repeatedly states that he received the Gospel directly from Jesus himself, whereas the writer of Hebrews places himself one step lower in the chain, stating that he heard it from those who heard it from Jesus. (...ὑπὸ τῶν ἀκουσάντων)
The writers of the NT were a mixed bag, with the writer of Revelation being barely literate, (At least in Greek) clear up to the writer of Hebrews, which is arguably the most sophisticated Greek in the NT. The writings that are definitely authored by Paul really aren't at this level.
i am posting this thread because i've seen some people ask "who are the freemasons?
back a few years ago, i had never heard of the masons before.. then, i had some masons involved in my life, so i did a lot of research into them (at the library, on the internet, in books, testimony by former masons, etc.)..
i will start a thread soon and post my beliefs and opinions on freemasonry.. here are a few things i have found in my research.. in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, masons are allowed to believe in any god they want to, except jesus christ.. in fact, in a "well-ordered" masonic lodge, the name jesus christ should not even be mentioned.. that makes one wonder, doesn't it?.
Why not just reach and talk to your local Masons?
elf...simply a great movie imo.
funny, heartwarming and well acted..
Going to go with JeffT on this one. A Christmas Story (1983) with Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon and Peter Billingsley.
It absolutely nails that era.
"My father's spare tires were only tires in the academic sense. They were round and had once been made of rubber."
This was true of a lot of our fathers.
breaking news....there is hope for good hearted non-jws!!!.
according to sergio:.
are jehovah's witnesses the only ones to be saved during the end time?.
It was around 1972 that Singapore refused to recognize the JW’s as a organized religion, seized their assets and chattel, and banned the distribution of WTB&TS literature for among other things:
"The doctrine of the sect and nature of its propaganda are based on its claim that ‘Satan’ and its dispensation, are responsible for all organised Government and religion. The result of the impending ‘Armageddon’ will be the destruction of everyone except Jehovah’s Witnesses who will inherit the earth.”
JW's do not alter their beliefs in response to government pressure; they simply become less forthright about those beliefs. Ambiguous statements that seemed to imply others might survive Armageddon were only for PR. Interspersed with those, were stronger statements that only JW's would pick up on.
Stating, for example that only those speaking the "pure language" will survive has an esoteric meaning that outsiders are very unlikely to comprehend.
review of daniel b. wallace’s greek grammar.
daniel b[aird] wallace is professor of new testament, and author of greek grammar beyond the basics, a work first published by zondervan corporation in 1996. his work has since become a standard work in the intermediate koine greek field and has been translated into half a dozen languages.
it is said two-thirds of bible colleges today that teach the subject use the textbook.
What's with people and saying "JW's have no scholars"?
Almost every scholarly minded JW I knew and interacted with twenty years ago is "disfellowshipped" today. --Some for reasons that seemed (IMO) to be trivial.
So while it's probably not true that there are "no scholars" there are certainly a lot less than there could be.