Some of us have JW family even if we were never JW's ourselves. Siblings, aged parents, even spouses. You can't just turn your back and pretend that reality doesn't exist, especially in the case of a spouse.
Posts by TD
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
Once upon a time, before the internet, before satellite, before cable and even before color television, three or maybe even four black and white channels that went off the air at 10:00pm, were the most that anyone had. For those who liked to read, this was the heyday of the dime store novel, but people were still bored out of their minds.
A knock at your door was a welcome diversion, as it could be a neighbor who was as bored as you were, or perhaps actually needed to borrow something. It could be the mailman, who could opt to put the mail directly in your hand and share news of the neighborhood if he had time. It could be a Fuller Brush man, selling high quality brushes you could not find in stores.
It could be an Electrolux, Kirby, Hoover or Eureka representative, selling a new appliance called a vacuum cleaner, which not only eliminated the drudgery of beating carpets, but kept your house cleaner and healthier for crawling babies as well.
It could be a Britannica, Americana or Funk & Wagnalls representative who could sell you your very own set of encyclopedias. If you didn't own a set or know someone who did, your children would have to go to the public library for school assignments, which was not always practical if it wasn't within walking distance.
It was during this era that door to door evangelism was born. And it worked for the same reasons. Women (Because they were left home alone to raise the children) and to a lesser degree, men, were starving for social interaction.
Today, a knock on your door generally means something is wrong and not surprisingly, it instantly puts people on the defensive. Door to door evangelism is not nearly as effective as it once was, if it's even effective at all anymore.
JW's have their traditions, but like any successful movement, they will have to adapt.
Details of Noah’s Ark
by enigma1863 injw magazines have claimed the flood story has so much detail that it couldn’t be just a made up story.. is it detailed?
name one person outside of noah’s family.
name one nephilim.
Readers of the Noah stories with some sailing experience, recognize the impossibility of a square sided box not being crushed or capsized
Yes. An arch is many times stronger than a flat plane and lofting a series of arches from a central spine is the most effective way to dissipate transient loads. The ancients may have discovered this by trial and error, but it is no less true because of that.
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco ini remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
My understanding (perhaps wrong) is that JW's do not recognize multiple 70 year periods.
They date the fall of Babylon to the autumn of 539 and the decree permitting the Jews to return to Jerusalem to Cyrus' first regnal year. To this, they add a period of approximately 4 months for the Jews to make their journey and it is at this point (i.e. Two years later, in the autumn of 537) when the 70 years actually ends.
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco ini remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Another word for gobblydook
Not at all. Some of the criticisms of the NWT are weak inasmuch the renderings in question still fall within standard definitions and rules of grammar, even if they do offend the biased views of others. Surely you're aware of this?
With the foregoing in mind, you've argued for a preferential rendering not simply as one of multiple ways the passage could be understood, but as the correct understanding. You've done so on grammatical grounds without actually framing an argument to that effect.
I haven't said you are wrong here. I'm just curious. I'd kinda like to hear the grammatical argument, if there is one.
Rückfragen in Verbindung mit der Kündigung von Anthony Morris III
by + inentschuldigt bitte, wenn ich in deutsch schreibe.. würde ich es „übersetzten“ käme es zu missverständnissen.. ich hätte ein paar rückfragen in verbindung mit der kündigung von anthony morris iii..
) anthony morris iii protzte, vor der kamera, in seiner zeit als mitglied des inneren ordens der wachtturmgesellschaft, immer mit seiner rolex (die seine frau, aus dem spendenshop von einem nachlass eines verstorbenen bruders abgriff) und den goldenen protzringen (die er ebenfalls, als erster, in der spendenshop hierarchie, geierte).. wenn er in seinen vorträgen damit prahlte, das seine eltern wohlhabend waren, stimmt das so lange, solange er auf kosten der brüder lebte.
als er in den kreisdienst wechselte, verkaufte er sein, durch die militärhypothek finanziertes, haus und zog in eine kreisaufseher-wohnung.
Ein paar Antworten...
a.) Gibt es in Amerika noch Menschen, die in Wohnwagen leben?
Ja. Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, dass ein Rentnerehepaar sein Haus verkauft und in einem Wohnwagen lebt. Einige sind hübsch eingerichtet
b.) Wieviel kostet es mich, wenn ich in Amerika einen solchen Wohnwagen kaufen wollte?
Etwa 40.000 bis 200.000 US-Dollar
c.) Wieviel kostet die Miete für einen solchen Stellplatz?
Ich weiß es leider nicht
d.) Woher kommen der Strom, das Wasser und die Telefon-/Internetverbindung?
Sie können einen Stellplatz in einem Wohnwagenpark mieten. Es gibt Anschlüsse für Strom, Wasser und Abwasser und Sie bezahlen die Stadt
e.) Wieviel kostet der Strom das Wasser und das Telefon etwa monatlich?
Es hängt davon ab, wo Sie leben. Das Heizen und Kühlen eines Wohnwagens kann teurer sein als ein Haus.
a.) Gibt es in Amerika noch den Job des Einkauftütenpackens im Supermarkt?Ja, obwohl es in ländlichen Gebieten häufiger vorkommt
b.) Gibt es in Amerika noch diese billigen Plastiktüten, in denen früher der Einkauf eingepackt wurde.
a.) Wird in Amerika für die Betheliten Gelder in eine staatliche Rentenkasse eingezahlt?
Ich weiß nicht
b.) Beziehen Betheliten die in Amerika sind, ab dem Erreichen des Rentenalters, Rente?
Keine Ahnung
c.) Gibt es in Amerika eine Sozialhilfe, die ein Lebens-mindest-Minimum ermöglicht?
Es gibt ein Sozialversicherungssystem, in das man aber in jungen Jahren einzahlen muss. (Es ist kompliziert)
Ich fürchte, ich kenne die Antworten auf den Rest Ihrer Fragen nicht
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco ini remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
The said scholar is big on grammar and he has read the verses grammatically in line with sound exegesis.
I'd kinda like to hear a grammatical argument if such can be framed.
Assuming a preferred understanding is the only grammatically possible understanding is exactly how critics of the NWT get themselves into trouble.
JWs and Prepping
by TD inthe jws i know (which admittedly are more liberal than most) are suddenly into prepping to one degree or another.
some have simply assembled "go bags" with basic common sense supplies in case they need to bug out in the event of a natural disaster and others seem to be seriously into it, almost to the degree to which mormons are.
backup generators and a year's supply of food and water).
The JWs I know (which admittedly are more liberal than most) are suddenly into prepping to one degree or another. Some have simply assembled "go bags" with basic common sense supplies in case they need to bug out in the event of a natural disaster and others seem to be seriously into it, almost to the degree to which Mormons are. (e.g. Backup generators and a year's supply of food and water)
I'm wondering if this is just a regional, isolated thing or if it comes from higher up in the JW leadership?
This is not a criticism. (Far from it.)
This is a Q for my aged Friends ....?...60 plus ?
by smiddy3 inover-all how would you view your life on this planet so far ?
fair , good , satisfactory ,not so good ,terrible.,?.
let me explain if i can ,i didn`t become a jw until my very late teens 19 and more likely close to 20. .
No complaints, other than time slipping away much too quickly.
Best wishes to everyone.
Blood question re: sample for testing
by carla inwhy can jw's give blood samples for testing in a medical setting?
i was with someone once (non jw related) who was getting multiple tests done and they must have taken a good pint all together in separate vials.
how do jw's square this with their blood policies?
The JW argument against the storage of blood is a rewording of the instructions given to Israelite hunters. Wild animals don't let you walk up to them and slit their throats in the Kosher manner and methods of putting a wild creature to death from a distance (e.g. An arrow, a spear, a snare, etc.) do not adequately bleed the carcass.
Residual blood needed to be removed from the body by being poured out. The JW's have subtly reworded this obligation into the stricture, "Blood removed from the body must be poured out", which would normally preclude any and all storage of blood.
Here's an example from the 1990 brochure, How Can Blood Save Your Life?:
"Witnesses believe that blood removed from the body should be disposed of, so they do not accept autotransfusion of predeposited blood. Techniques for intraoperative collection or hemodilution that involve blood storage are objectionable to them." (Cell salvage and isovolemic hemodilution procedures have both been modified slightly to make them acceptable to JW's)
Here's an example from a 1989 Watchtower:
"We have long appreciated that such stored blood certainly is no longer part of the person. It has been completely removed from him, so it should be disposed of in line with God’s Law: “You should pour it out upon the ground as water"
The use of blood for testing purposes is rationalized via the idea that the amount of blood is small; the storage is transient and not for the purposes of consumption or transfusion anyway. (As TonusOH points out above).