Congratulations Amazing!
Posts by TD
Ten Year Ex-JW Anniversary
by Amazing infriday, may 1st, 1992, i drove my kids to the motel we stayed at for the circuit assembly in woodburn, oregon.
i told them that i was not going to attend the assembly at all.
on saturday morning, may 2nd, i dropped them off at the front of the assembly hall, making this the very first day where i ceased going to meetings.. driving away from woodburn, i headed to the beach at lincoln city, oregon where i took time to walk a long beach - alone - enjoying the wind breeze through my hair - the sand move between my toes - the sea gulls chanting and squeaking - the steady roll of the waves - the gentle roaring sound as they cascaded onto the shore and an occasional sip of scotch.. it was the first day of the rest of my life ... the beginning of having my life back ... the beginning of personal freedom of the mind and heart.. today, ten years later - i still can feel the fresh breeze and the sand ... and i have no regrets, no doubt, no fear ... i need not look back anymore.
Thank you, Violet
by teejay inmy people, my people, my people.
fellow .
when will yall learn?.
I largely agree with you TeeJay. My own wife was at her circuit assembly yesterday.
Like I've already said, Some choose to remain JW’s because it fills a need. It doesn't matter what the need is. Whether it be emotional, spiritual, familial, the need is more important to the individual than cold hard facts by themselves.
I have the utmost respect for my wife because she is honest on this point and doesn't carelessly throw around the vilest pejoratives in the JW vernacular.
Yesterday's public talk.
by VioletAnai ini'd like to make a few points which i know i will be eaten alive for, but here goes...... is there really a devil?.
history of religion has always believed in the devil, but has portrayed him in different lights....he himself transforms into an angel of light, making something that is evil seem innocent and fun.
his best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.. he is a malignant enemy of god and man!
Once again, Violet:
How do we identify an "apostate" when we see one? Would misrepresenting what the Bible says and openly lying about it qualify as apostasy?
1980 Great Crowd article...
by TheApostleAK inhas anybody thought about checking that 1980 great crowd article in the greek language?
to see if the wt tried the same tricks that they did in the english version.. from ak
I believe (and correct me if I’m wrong) that AK is alluding to the box on page 15 of the August 15, 1980 issue of The Watchtower This was part of a larger article written to prop up the Witness doctrine of the Great Crowd which was coming under fire at the time.
To wit:
The Greek word na-os’ refers often to the inner sanctuary representing heaven itself
Problem is, if you are familiar enough with the Bible to know which scriptures to check (admittedly a tall order for the average JW) you will see that naos is not the word used in the great majority of the instances that were claimed.BUT it was the entire temple (na-os) that had been 46 years in the building
It was the entire temple (na-os) that was destroyed as a judgement from God
It was from the courts of the outer temple (na-os) that Jesus drove the money changers
It was in the outer temple (na-os) that Judas threw back the 30 pieces of silver
HENCE it is consistent that the “great crowd” serve God in the earthly court of the spiritual temple
For example:
It was from the courts of the outer temple (na-os) that Jesus drove the money changers
Variations of this event are recorded in all four accounts:Matthew 21:12
Mark 11:15
Luke 19:45-46
John 2:14-15Contrary to what the WTB&TS claimed, the word naos does not appear in any of these scriptures. Hieron is the word used for "temple."
I think AK has raised a good question. Even though the language has changed tremedously, it would have been risky to pull this stunt in front of a Greek speaking audience.
It would be interesting to check.
Yesterday's public talk.
by VioletAnai ini'd like to make a few points which i know i will be eaten alive for, but here goes...... is there really a devil?.
history of religion has always believed in the devil, but has portrayed him in different lights....he himself transforms into an angel of light, making something that is evil seem innocent and fun.
his best ploy: having people believe he don't exist...this is to his own advantage.. he is a malignant enemy of god and man!
Help me out here...
How do we identify an "apostate" when we see one? Would misrepresenting what the Bible says and openly lying about qualify as apostasy?
Pub Record Card Policy
by VitoJW ini remeber in a bofe meeting with co, the comment was made by the co that w/o having the pub's record card on file, a congregation could not df someone, or at least would have to be very careful in doing so for legal reasons.
i thought at the time that he may have gotten his info from a letter from bethel.. has anyone else heard of such?
maybe i make them an offer they cannot refuse........
"Inactive publishers are part of the congregation and need help (Psalm 119:176) Such inactive ones should be assigned to book study groups. To enable the elders and the circuit overseer to give adequate attention to such ones, the last Congregation's Publisher Record card for each inactive publisher should be kept indefinitely. The file of Congregation's Publisher Record cards should be divided into two sections --"Active" and "Inactive.""
----from February 15, 2002 BOE letter, page 3 paragraph 1
Need help with Isa 66:6...need decent argument...
by TheApostleAK inhas anybody got a decent argument that defeats the wt argument that isa 66:6 in the septuagint contains the greek word naos in this scripture.. basically this is one of the arguments the wt uses to show the greek word naos can mean more than the sanctuary.. more info see the great crowd article of 1981.. help!.
from alan
In rereading this thread, the thought occurred to me (not for the first time) that Witnesses seldom respond to a purely logical argument.
If you want a Scriptural argument, have the individual in question read Revelation 16:1 in the Greek NT
Kai akousa phones megales phones ek to naou……
“And I heard a great voice out of the temple….”Here you see a virtually identical construction as Isaiah 66:6 – an ablative use of the word naos in regard to the emanation of a voice.
…..thing is, in this instance, the NWT renders it Sanctuary
Need help with Isa 66:6...need decent argument...
by TheApostleAK inhas anybody got a decent argument that defeats the wt argument that isa 66:6 in the septuagint contains the greek word naos in this scripture.. basically this is one of the arguments the wt uses to show the greek word naos can mean more than the sanctuary.. more info see the great crowd article of 1981.. help!.
from alan
....don't really know why I'm bothering to responding here....
Since this particular argument was abandoned by the WTB&TS/CCJW this year, (See the May 1, 2002 issue of The Watchtower pages 30,31 (Point 5)) it hardly requires refutation.
However even if this wasn't the case, the argument is incomplete and wouldn't have required a response anyway.
Isaiah 66:6 in the Septuagint reads in part:
Phone krauges ek toleos, phone ek naou, phone Kuriou....
As you can see, an ablative use of the word naos which we would translate as "A voice from the temple."As you can also see, and as Justin has already pointed out, the unadorned phrase does not tell us exactly where in the temple the voice emanates from. It just as well could have been from the Sanctuary as anyplace else.
Therefore it does absolutely nothing to either prove or disprove whether the term naos is inclusive or exclusive of any particular temple area
Coworkers reactions
by TD inout of curiosity today i stole a page from jts book.. i printed wednesdays toronto star article on the calgary situation and showed it to some coworkers.
with no coaching or explanation of my own personal feelings, these were their reactions:.
syd: age 52: engineer.
Out of curiosity today I “stole” a page from JT’s book.
I printed Wednesday’s Toronto Star article on the Calgary situation and showed it to some coworkers. With no coaching or explanation of my own personal feelings, these were their reactions:
Syd: Age 52: Engineer
“That’s the most miserable thing I’ve ever heard! Do those expletives want the child to die”
Harsha: Age 23: Tech“I think the judge made the right decision.”
Susan: Age 21?: Tech---sighs--- “And they wonder why people call them a cult.”
Ravinder: Age 48?: CNC Programmer“Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable”
Paul: Age 41: Purchasing: (--wife is a JW)“That’s scary. They can be nuts. I can see myself in that situation.”
Janice: Age 26?: Office Manager“You know, I’ve never understood why some many people hate the “Jehovah’s” until now. I’m sure as hell never taking their magazine again.”
April: Age 19: Receptionist“If the mother tampered with the lines, she should be in jail.”
Phil: Age 31: Project Manager“Expletives! All I can say is it’s a damn good thing for them that’s not my kid…….”
Richard: Age 61?: IT Administrator
Bill: Age 43: General Manager“My father died of leukemia. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like if that was my child.”
Admittedly this was a small group, but I didn't even get so much as one favorable reaction. -
Need reference for pic in JW publication...
by TheApostleAK ini'm after that pic with the shrieking clergyman with the church in background being blitzed.. the pic is shown in the witnesses of jehovah video..
from ak.