I agree with Blondie and Dansk. If 1914 falls, so do 1918 and 1919. It is upon these dates that the JW leadership's sole claim to spiritual authority rests and that they will not relinquish.
Posts by TD
Do you think that JW's will ever get rid of the 1914-doctrine?
by jads inafter awhile the jw's will have to do something about 1914 when it crumbles right before them.
how long can they hold onto this russell-invented doctrine?
What I have learned about Rolf Furuli
by Faraon inon a recent thread about the year of the destruction of jerusalem, i learned from "scholar" about rolf furuli.. i looked up his name in google, and came with a few interesting links.
all i can say is that i am glad there aren't too many witnesses going to universities, especially those claiming to be researchers.
first they must take their blinds off.. a review of rolf furuli's book "the role of theology and bias in bible translation".
Scholar said:
When you have the academic qualifications that Furuli has achieved then you are in position to be critical of his scholarship. Furuli has done a magnificant jog in elevating the NWT, defending our blood issue and deconstructing the Jonsson hypothesis.
I wonder if scholar has even an inkling of the damage Furuli's attempt at "defending our blood issue" did.
by Elsewhere ini recently spoke with a few new mothers who are adamantly against vaccination.
they went on and on about horrible dangers associated with vaccinating your children.. even after listening to their stories i am very doubtful of the validity of the claims.
what is your view on this if you have one?.
Just a word of clarification. It's important to distinguish between pre-exposure and post-exposure vaccines
Pre-exposure vaccines (Poliomyelitis MMR, Varicella etc.) do not come from animals. The viral agent which forms the basis for the vaccine is cultured in egg. The most effective pre-exposure vaccines contain a live attenuated (weak) strain of the virus. When an attenuated strain is not available, the virus is "killed," ususally so that only the protein shell remains.
Either way, your body will react basically the same as if it were attacked by the real thing. Over the next few weeks it will produce anti-bodies against the virus, giving you active immunity.
Post-exposure vaccines are altogether different and not really the topic of this thread. Lets say you step on rusty nail and its been more than five years since your last tetanus booster. Let's say you are bitten by a rabid animal. You need immediate passive immunity.
Post-eposure vaccines contain immune-globuliln --that is to say antibodies already made against the virus. Many common immune-globulins are produced recombinately today, but in the old days, the only source was some other creature that had already been exposed. It was common to use horses. Jehovah's Witnesses used to have a big problem with post-exposure vaccines.
Regardless of the source, immune-globulin is a plasma protein. It is not cellular and it doesn't carry disease.
something to make you go HMMMMMM
by Mulan ina fellow ex jw friend of ours is norwegian, second generation, so very much aware of his roots because of his parents.
he visited me the other day and we started talking about this discussion board, which he has read, but doesn't contribute.
i said "some people wonder why we can't get over it all, and just move on...........but it helps to talk with others who have had the same experiences we have".
Why does the Society "go beyond what is written" re blood?
by Waymores Ghost inthis may sound somewhat cynical, but i think the society has held to it's position on blood in order to create a never-ending supply of martyrs.
martyrs are needed for the society to hold up as shining examples of faith and devotion.
this sense of self-sacrifice helps them tow the line with regards to all of their insane rules.. wg
Hi Sam,
You're right, about 20% of alchohol absorbtion is through the stomach and the majority, about 80% is through the small intestine.
My point was that alcohol can pass through the stomach wall. Because of its complete miscibility with water, ethyl alcohol will cross any biological membrane, including the skin. Even inhalation of alcohol vapor will result in absorption across the pulmonary epithelium. Inhalation chambers are actually the preferred method of administering alcohol to test animals.
Why does the Society "go beyond what is written" re blood?
by Waymores Ghost inthis may sound somewhat cynical, but i think the society has held to it's position on blood in order to create a never-ending supply of martyrs.
martyrs are needed for the society to hold up as shining examples of faith and devotion.
this sense of self-sacrifice helps them tow the line with regards to all of their insane rules.. wg
Even though God said do not EAT the blood, he also said to ABSTAIN from it.
Surely you are aware that grammatically there is no such thing as negation of an object. Only action can be negated. Ergo, we don?t abstain from objects in and of themselves, we abstain from acts done in connection with these objects. In the case of the blood abstention, the act in question is eating.
Your attempt to present the blood abstention as an enlargement on the prohibiton against eating blood is misguided.
Now when you abstain from something that does not mean that you try to find another way to put it into your body.
You are equivocating here. Equivalency is not established by referring to two acts in terms generic enough to include both. Are drinking and drowning equivalents because they both fall into the general category of taking in water? Are marital sex and adultery equivalents because they both fall into the general category of sex?
Why then would you imply that consumption and transfusion are equivalent in the absence of anything resembling proof and on no other bases than that you can describe them both "as put[ting] it into your body?"
If you ABSTAIN from drinking alcohol does that mean that you can inject it into your veins? I don't think so.
Your analogy fails because blood is not a simple compound like alcohol, blood is living tissue.
A closer parallel would be to ask if you were to ABSTAIN from eating meat does that mean that you can accept an organ transplant. Do you really believe the two are analogous?
Why is it that when you drink alcohol, you can also find the alcohol in your blood?
Because simple compounds like alcohol don?t need to be broken down by the digestive system before they may enter the circulatory system . They can pass directly through the stomach wall.
Does it not also work in the opposite way?
Does the blood not feed your stomach? What happens when you have an ulcer? Does not the blood enter your stomach?
Yes, a peptic ulcer can bleed into the stomach or duodenum where the blood will be lost through digestion. What does this have to do with transfusion?
When you talk about ignorance I think it is best that you start with your own because you really have no knowledge about the bible or of your own body. God warned us to ABSTAIN from blood, not to find another way to put it into your body.
I think a little self examination may be in order
What I have learned about Rolf Furuli
by Faraon inon a recent thread about the year of the destruction of jerusalem, i learned from "scholar" about rolf furuli.. i looked up his name in google, and came with a few interesting links.
all i can say is that i am glad there aren't too many witnesses going to universities, especially those claiming to be researchers.
first they must take their blinds off.. a review of rolf furuli's book "the role of theology and bias in bible translation".
90 to 130 Years - JWs are still waiting
by Amazing inyes folks - the jws are still waiting,.
in a galaxy not too far away, 130 years ago this year, chucky russell, a very young man in his fantasy-mind 20s, decided that jesus christ had returned invisibly in his so-called "second presence.
" the year was 1874. this date was still understood and believed as of two other important times to jehovah's witnesses:.
From the November 1, 1922 Watch Tower:
"Bible prophecy shows that the Lord was due to appear for the second time in the year 1874. Fulfilled prophecy shows beyond a doubt that he did appear in 1874. Fulfilled prophecy is otherwise designated the physical facts; and these facts are indisputable. All true watchers are familiar with these facts, as set forth in the Scriptures and explained in the interpretation by the Lord?s special servant.
Jesus himself declared that in the time of his presence he would conduct a harvest of his people, during which he would gather unto himself the true and loyal ones. for some years this work has been in operation and is nearing completion. He stated that during his presence he would have one who would fill the office of a faithful and wise servant, through whom the Lord would bring to his people meat in due season. All the facts show that those prophecies have been fulfilled.
Why has the King come? To set up his kingdom and reign as King. but he had a work to do before his reign began, and that is a preparatory work. Since there are to be associated with him in his reign his body members, these must be gathered together and prepared for the beginning of the reign. the gentile times under the supervision of the god of this world ended August 1, 1914. Before that date it would not have been consistent for the Lord, the King of glory, to take unto himself his great power and reign. Since he has been present from 1874, it follows, from the facts as we now see them, that the period from 1874 to 1914 is the day of preparation. This in no wise militates against the thought that "the time of the end" is from 1799 until 1914. That period from 1799 to 1874 could not be said to be a day of preparation, but a day of increasing light. It is not reasonable to think that the King began to make preparations until he was present.
For six thousand years God has been preparing for this kingdom. For nineteen hundred years he has been gathering out the kingdom class from amongst men. Since 1874 the King of glory has been present; and during that time he has conducted a harvest and has gathered unto himself the temple class. Since 1914 the King of glory has taken his power and reigns. He has cleansed the lips of the temple class and sends them forth with the message. The importance of the message of the kingdom cannot be overstated. It is the message of all messages. It is the message of the hour. It is incumbent upon those who are the Lord's to declare it. The kingdom of heaven is at hand; the King reigns; Satan's empire is falling; millions now living will never die.
Do you believe it? Do you believe that the King of glory is present, and has been since 1874? Do you believe that during that time he has conducted his harvest work? Do you believe that he has had during that time a faithful and wise servant through whom he directed his work and the feeding of the household of faith? Do you believe that the Lord is now in his temple, judging the nations of earth? Do you believe that the King of glory has begun his reign?
Then back to the field, O ye sons of the most high God! Gird on your armor! Be sober, be vigilant, be active, be brave. Be faithful and true witnesses for the Lord. Go forward in the fight until every vestige of Babylon lies desolate. Herald the message far and wide. The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the day of all days. Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom." (pp. 333,334)
The winter the aliens arrived
by TD inthe writers of jw publications have never read a doom and gloom scenario that they didn?t thoroughly enjoy.
the accuracy of the information apparently is only a secondary consideration.
this may sound a little harsh, but consider the following example: .
The writers of JW publications have never read a doom and gloom scenario that they didn?t thoroughly enjoy. The accuracy of the information apparently is only a secondary consideration. This may sound a little harsh, but consider the following example:
This jewel appeared in the June 22, 1993 issue of Awake! on page 29
"The scientific community reconfirms the severity of the Spanish influenza. According to The New York Times Magazine, 196,000 people died in the United States alone during the month of October 1918. "By the end of the winter of 1918-19, two billion people around the world had come down with influenza, and between 20 million and 40 million had died," the magazine says."
The problem here is that world population didn?t reach the 2 billion mark until the 1930?s. In 1918 the total world population was only about 1.8 billion persons. So even if we assume that every single individual on the face of the earth had been infected by the end of winter 1918-1919, (which did not happen) we still would have needed about 200 million aliens to also contract the flu. I wonder if they came from somewhere in the Pleiades?