I did not realize that JW artists were allowed this degree of expression.
In years past, whenever you saw an illustration in JW literature that made you stop and think, like this was does, it was plagiarized from another source.
i wonder if anyone can explain this.
ezekiel 34:25 says .
and i will make a covenant of peace with them, and i will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.. the land is said to be rid of vicious wild beasts, so why does the watchtower picture in the new pure worship book show a large predatory cat on the tree in this picture?
I did not realize that JW artists were allowed this degree of expression.
In years past, whenever you saw an illustration in JW literature that made you stop and think, like this was does, it was plagiarized from another source.
my daughter is being raised in a pimi household and spends a significant time with me in a pomo household.
i don’t pressure her to believe, so she is thinking/pressured about becoming a jw from the other end, so she is reluctant about celebrating holidays and birthdays, but as any kid, she loves the gifts and attention, so she will “not celebrate but still do things”.. she is becoming a teenager however, and showing interest in not-so-jw-things.
her mother forbids star wars for violence and magic, but she wants to watch it, she wants a few horror video games, she wants to shoot things and go hunting but guns aren’t allowed, so i’ve compromised for archery.. what do parents of teenagers do?
With a daughter, I would make sure she understands the position of women in the JW faith.
(Which is why strong, smart, opinionated and informed is the Xenon in the reaction, so to speak...)
i wonder if anyone can explain this.
ezekiel 34:25 says .
and i will make a covenant of peace with them, and i will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.. the land is said to be rid of vicious wild beasts, so why does the watchtower picture in the new pure worship book show a large predatory cat on the tree in this picture?
You sure that isn't the Cheshire Cat and Alice?
LOL - First thing that popped into my head
my daughter is being raised in a pimi household and spends a significant time with me in a pomo household.
i don’t pressure her to believe, so she is thinking/pressured about becoming a jw from the other end, so she is reluctant about celebrating holidays and birthdays, but as any kid, she loves the gifts and attention, so she will “not celebrate but still do things”.. she is becoming a teenager however, and showing interest in not-so-jw-things.
her mother forbids star wars for violence and magic, but she wants to watch it, she wants a few horror video games, she wants to shoot things and go hunting but guns aren’t allowed, so i’ve compromised for archery.. what do parents of teenagers do?
Anyone navigate these waters before?
Yes. Raised daughters with a believing JW spouse. --Not quite the same situation as yours, but I can certainly empathize.
What do parents of teenagers do?
This is what I did: (Other people's mileage may vary - It really depends on your child's personality...)
Be involved in their education. Know their teachers. Know what they believe themselves
Encourage the child to be informed. Show them how to do proper research.
Encourage them to have opinions on everything. Encourage them to defend those opinions. Above all, respect those opinions even if you don't agree with them. (I have no sons, so mine were especially sensitive to women's issues.)
i asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
I'm not a fan of Biden or the policies of Democrats in general, but I'm curious:
Has "mean" become the new euphemism for "Misinformed" or "Demonstrably false" or "I lack a grade school child's understanding of the Constitution"
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
This is not an argument against the cult its an argument against the bible.
I agree that criticism of the JW's should be strictly in the context of how they view the Bible and not how someone else thinks they should
In the larger context of Christianity in general, some of it depends on what you view the Bible to be.
JW's and kindred groups view the Bible as a single, contiguous, harmonious work from cover to cover authored by God himself via direct plenary inspiration.
Liberal flavors of Christianity tend view it more as what it actually is: A loosely organized anthology reflecting not only the culture in which it was written, but the different opinions of the authors themselves.
The clash in the NT between the Jewish and Gentile factions, Paul's open insults to James and the fact that the book of James reads as a rebuttal to the book of Galatians all make a whole lot more sense under that rubric
in one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
Like all sites of this type, the mood changes over time
There was a point, for example, where the man-hate here was so thick you could cut it with a knife
I'm sure JW females come by it honestly, but it was directed at the wrong people. They type of man who would question the JW belief system is not usually the type of man who accepts the stone age notion that women are inferior in any way.
There was a time when I sounded like a psycho for pointing out that there are perfectly legitimate uses for firearms in the American Southwest.
But that changed in time. The pendulum has swung in cadence with the current resurgence of populism, but it won't stay there forever. Political moods come and go.
I am still very grateful to Simon for this site and the time he has put into it.
alberta has just lifted all covid restrictions because they can't find any samples to prove it even exists.. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/alberta-lifts-all-covid-restrictions-because-they-cant-produce-an-isolated-sample-of-sars-cov-2-to-prove-covid-exists-to-back-their-mandates/.
german paper bild apologises for pushing covid lockdowns and damaging society.. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-30-german-newspaper-apologizes-covid-lockdown-hysteria-society.html.
wonder if the day will come when wt admits it lied?
Reuters does not address the issue that Covid was not found by the Californian pathologists who had 1500 samples from the lungs of those theoretically dying of Covid.
I've been unable to locate a trustworthy source for this.
AP says that's because there is none:
Dr. Derick Knauss, the scientist behind the claim does not appear to exist at all.
alberta has just lifted all covid restrictions because they can't find any samples to prove it even exists.. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/alberta-lifts-all-covid-restrictions-because-they-cant-produce-an-isolated-sample-of-sars-cov-2-to-prove-covid-exists-to-back-their-mandates/.
german paper bild apologises for pushing covid lockdowns and damaging society.. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-30-german-newspaper-apologizes-covid-lockdown-hysteria-society.html.
wonder if the day will come when wt admits it lied?
However the other article I linked to pointed out that in Alberta they had been unable to FIND any samples of COVID-19.
Here is a deconstruction of that assertion by Reuters:
alberta has just lifted all covid restrictions because they can't find any samples to prove it even exists.. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/alberta-lifts-all-covid-restrictions-because-they-cant-produce-an-isolated-sample-of-sars-cov-2-to-prove-covid-exists-to-back-their-mandates/.
german paper bild apologises for pushing covid lockdowns and damaging society.. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-30-german-newspaper-apologizes-covid-lockdown-hysteria-society.html.
wonder if the day will come when wt admits it lied?
Hi TD - no I don't know what kind of paper BILD is - I just know it is a German paper and could see they were apologising.
Apologizing for what specifically? Here is a link to the actual article:
"Millionen Kindern in diesem Land, für die wir als Gesellschaft alle miteinander verantwortlich sind, möchte ich sagen, was unsere Bundesregierung und unsere Kanzlerin bisher nicht wagen zu sagen: Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung. Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung für anderthalb Jahre einer Politik, die Euch zu Opfern gemacht hat.
Zu Opfern von Gewalt, Vernachlässigung, Isolation, seelischer Einsamkeit. Für eine Politik und eine mediale Berichterstattung, die Euch bis heute wie Gift das Gefühl einflößt, Ihr wäret eine tödliche Gefahr für unsere Gesellschaft.
Das seid Ihr nicht, lasst Euch das nicht einreden. Wir haben Euch zu schützen, nicht Ihr uns."
"I would like to say to the millions of children in this country for whom we as a society are all responsible what neither our government nor the Chancellor dares to tell you: We ask you to forgive us. We ask your forgiveness for a policy which for a year and a half has made you victims. -Victims of violence, neglect, isolation and emotional loneliness.
For politics and media reporting that to this day, like poison, gives you the feeling that you are a deadly danger to our society.
You are not [and] do not let yourself be persuaded. We have to protect you, not you us.
This was in response to the harsh lock downs, which were much more strict that most other Western countries as well as the sensationalized claim that children could be responsible for murdering their own grandparents which (surprise surprise) appeared in Bild itself.
The naturalnews.com site you linked to thoroughly misrepresents the article. Disagreeing with the necessity of lock downs does not amount to a claim that Covid19 is not real.