I've posed the question on this forum several times:
Prior to COVID-19, JW's were still knocking on people's doors, still offering Bible studies, still inviting people to their Memorial, etc.
They did these things because they believe we're living in a time of judgement, and that Jehovah is fair and that he wants everyone to have a chance and that it is their job as proclaimers of God's kingdom to do so.
Assuming that set of propositions are still true, (?) then the implications are IMO inescapable:
Do Jehovah's Witnesses expect people to believe as they believe on their authority alone or do they expect people to believe as they believe because those beliefs can be scripturally demonstrated?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe people are judged based on their receptivity to a tangled, incoherent doctrinal mess that they can't even explain themselves, or do they believe the "truth" of the Bible is obvious to any honest person?
When the basic message presented at their Memorial observance starts to fall apart, then so does their most basic claim about themselves and who they are.