"...it is still important for other readers to see the proof that the moon landings really did happen."
To be fair though, I don't know what it was like to grow up in era of high quality digital pictures and equally high quality edits of those pictures. I'm sure it would affect your perspective.
Starting in 1958, the U.S. and Russia made 10 unsuccessful attempts at lunar orbits and hard landings. They all crashed and burned for one reason or another.
In September of 1959, the Soviets succeeded with Luna 2. --First man made object on the moon. It was a hard landing, but the probe released a sodium cloud before it impacted so the whole world would know.
In October of 1959, Luna 3 did a successful flyby. --First time mankind saw the dark side of the moon:

In August of 1966, the Lunar Orbiter 1 (U.S.) photographed an Earthrise for the first time.
Two years late, the Soviet probe, Zond 6 did the same:

In 1970, Zond 8 did it again:

The only way to make a conspiracy work, is to include Russia in it, which seems very unlikely, as the two sides would have loved to discredit each other's accomplishments.
My question for indoubtbigtime would be this: Является ли Космическая программа СССР частью вашего заговора?