The challenge in forging any argument is to be careful that it doesn't cut both ways. The value of a sword that hurts you as much as it hurts your opponent is debatable.
For JW's this happens at a very basic level as a direct result of their insistence that the entire antediluvian world was vegetarian.
Since the decomposition chain is an integral part of every ecosystem, who designed the scavengers and other detrivores that devour dead bodies? What form of vegetarianism is that? Who designed it? If it wasn't designed, did it happen by "chance" after all?
Most proponents of ID are more studied in their approach and avoid such
obvious pitfalls, but this problem persists in even the most sophisticated ID arguments.
Consider, for example, the life-cycle of the protozoan responsible for malaria. Plasmodium falciparum is a very nasty little creature that reproduces both sexually and asexually, the former in mosquitoes and the latter in humans.
When a female Anopheline mosquito bites an infected victim, it consumes both male and female malarial gametocytes in the victim’s blood. Within the mosquito’s midgut, the male gametocyte undergoes a nuclear division, producing eight flagellated microgametes which fertilize the female macrogamete. The resulting ookinete traverses the mosquito gut wall, forming an oocyst on the outside of the organ. After a few hours, the oocyst ruptures, releasing hundreds of sporozoites into the mosquito body cavity where they migrate to the mosquito salivary gland.
Infection in humans begins with the bite of the infected mosquito. The sporozoites released from the salivary glands of the mosquito enter the bloodstream and invade liver cells. (Hepatocytes) During the next 14 days these parasites differentiate and undergo asexual multiplication resulting in tens of thousands of merozoites which then burst from the infected hepatocyte, into the blood stream. These merozoites now invade red blood cells (Erythrocytes) and undergo an additional round of multiplication, producing more merozoites. Some of these go on to invade additional erythrocytes and while others now differentiate into the sexual forms, male and female gametocytes. These gametocytes will be taken up by the next female Anopheline mosquito that bites.
This is a complicated process involving two distinct synchronous vectors and yet, malaria spreads at an alarming rate. The reason for this merciless efficiency is because P. falciparum facilitates its spread by actually making its human victims more attractive to mosquitoes.
Was this nastiness designed or was it "chance?" A Creator who would design such a thing is very far removed from anything we would view as "good" or "loving." And yet if it happened by "chance" than proponents of ID fall under the shadow of their own argument.