When I was in and with my husband it went like this....if HE picked the R rated movie...we watched it...If it was a movie I wanted to watch...he knocked the remote out of my hand.
JoinedPosts by S0ShowdidIgethere
R movies
by road to nowhere inwitnesses never watch r movies.
but they understand references to wood chippers and banjo music.. other than that the rating system is not worldwide .
Good door sign for JWs door knocking.
by greenhornet inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avarj1ifheq.
Where does the cult fall on sexually touching each other for married couples.
by mickbobcat inso its wrong for married couples to have oral sex and anal but what about touches to arouse?
to climax i would assume it was wrong.
but what if you go too far getting ready for sex and climax, do you need to go to the cult to confess..
Well...it is a pick and choose these days...The elder's in my congregation didn't care...they said that it was frowned on for ministerial servants or elders...but not DF-able offense...for oral or anal that is.
My last conversation with a JW
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i got to thinking about the last time i spoke to a jw.. i was still living down south, june or july 2012.. and i saw this brother in my local high street.
he was a few years younger than me - in his late teens and my early twenties we used to go out to pubs and get smashed.
now this guy starts acting super spiritual - he sees me and after exchanging pleasantries he starts going on about armageddon and how the end is so close.
yeah...but at this point I'm fine with him going on and on like that. He's be texting my family saying "May Jehovah rebuke you" and telling me that I'm going to be cursed. Don't think it's going to look very good in family court...
But, whatever...
My last conversation with a JW
by LoveUniHateExams inso, i got to thinking about the last time i spoke to a jw.. i was still living down south, june or july 2012.. and i saw this brother in my local high street.
he was a few years younger than me - in his late teens and my early twenties we used to go out to pubs and get smashed.
now this guy starts acting super spiritual - he sees me and after exchanging pleasantries he starts going on about armageddon and how the end is so close.
I wouldn't call this a conversation...
More like relentless harassment from my soon to be ex-husband...
Yesterday he texted me to say:
"Simply pretending Jehovah doesn't exist or that he allows/ approves you to fulfill your selfish desires will bring a curse (Deut. 28, Ps. 53) - only he can stop it."
My old JW cult hall permenantly closed.
by mickbobcat ini was watching a video by smurf girl that said that her old halls where permanently closed.
so i did a google lookup of my old hall and it said permanently closed.
so is this that big that the cult is really shuttering all these halls for good?
Something to be noted...when you look up a KH through google maps...the point of reference they use on the map features a cross...lololol clearly google doesnt know...
But I saw plenty of recent reviews of people very upset about receiving letters, feeling like its a violation of privacy.
Borg Update 6
by MattyR init seems they are encouraging jws to get vaccinated.
not directly but a subtle suggestion.
it seems they hinted a possible return.
There was a comment made by someone recently that said something along the lines of, the GB and ORG are trying to "do right by" or "lay low" in the eyes of the government. I think that may be part of the case here. Most updates they are giving say things like "Follow the direction of your local government or authorities"...
So, I feel that they are doing their best to be politically correct...interestingly enough lol.
KH's Still All Closed- How Bad is WT doing Financially?
by OnTheWayOut inmost churches are back to in-person worship.
not jehovah's witnesses.
is watchtower still managing to fleece the flocks as the sheeple no longer get literature, no longer go to the kh, no longer walk past the donation box?
Pistol Pete - On Tuesday night I ALMOST thought they were going to announce it...
....all they said was this is our off week for watching the convention...no convention to watch this week...still exciting though...lol
In this video you talked about how to fade as a man in the congregation. Any advice for women?
In the past few months I've had my eyes opened and I really know that I need to plan my exit strategy. In the long run, I'm almost positive it will be a divorce and rebuilding my life. But for right now, just getting through the meetings is progressively becoming more difficult.
Do you think there's a way to take myself off the Ministry School and not have to give parts - without rocking the boat?
Set Free in the Seventh Year.
by S0ShowdidIgethere insomeone else posted a tid bit if this weeks meeting...but here's my favorite part... .
so...deuteronomy...jehovah cares for the poor...those with no inheritance get help...debts are forgiven...and then!.
deuteronomy 15:12-14:.
Someone else posted a tid bit if this weeks meeting...but here's my favorite part...
So...Deuteronomy...Jehovah cares for the poor...those with no inheritance get help...debts are forgiven...and THEN!
Deuteronomy 15:12-14:
"If one of your brothers, a hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and has SERVED you for six years, then in the SEVENTH YEAR you should SET HIM FREE. And if you should set him free, DO NOT send him away EMPTY HANDED. You should supply him GENEROUSLY with something from your flock, your threshing floor, and your press for oil and wine, Just as Jehovah your God has blessed you, you should give to him"
So, in the seventh year of his servitude, an Israelite who had sold himself into slavery was set free and given a gift by his master!!!!!!!!!
....ehem....Personally I think the GB should focus more on THIS...once you've reached your 7th year of service, you're free to go, and then send you off with some cash for your time....
This!!!!!!! Yes, Please!!!!