Harbor: to house or contain in Webster def. #7. You could also use #5: to hide or conceal, but I don't believe we do that for the US groups and the Taliban claims not to do that for Usama. This war is not supposed to be about the Taliban and Afghanistan though that is what it may turn out to be. The "war" is supposed to be about fighting terrorist groups and the countries that allow them to legally exist within their borders.
Posts by tdogg
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
No, they didn't blow up the WTC. They have not made suicide attacks on crowded malls. But some of the groups we will target have not done that either. Do we only accuse terrorists based on the severity of their act?
One thing at a time? My point is that Bush just told the world we will not allow countries to harbor terrorists while we do harbor and have harbored the same kind of people.Are they not the same?
Let us compare:
Islamic radicals with idealistic propaganda hate blindly and without reason a group (the US) who are differs in religions and ethnicities. They blame that group for their own economic problems. They are willing to use justified violence against that group because they percieve those as having no rights or validation for life.The KKK and Aryan nations are radicals with idealistic propaganda who hate blindly groups (blacks, jews, etc) who are different in religion and/or ethnicity. They blame those groups for their economic problems. They are willing and practice to use violence aginst those groups.
These are the same kind of hateful ignorant people.
The issue is not about who is a worse terrorist than another, but if we are going to hold the world to a standard then we had better make sure that it applies to ourselves. -
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
You say:
What the hell do you call a government who fries little children a la Waco, Shoots mother holding a baby. What do you call them Freedom fighter perhaps???What exactly do you call them?
How many have they killed? Are you denying the history of murder by white terrorist groups such as the KKK? Are you from Mississippi?
As far as the aryan idiots in camps- tell me what does it matter if they havent killed anyone yet? They practice to do it and plan to do it they are just to cowardly to do it, thankfully. At least for now.
So lets just ignore it, like we did with the problem in
Afghanistan because these armed hate preaching religious freaks wouldn't possibly do anything bad would they? -
God's image
by Rex B13 inwe are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
A little off the subject, but you qouted Lev 21:17-23 earlier. I was wondering if anyone ever remembers going over that bible reading during the theocratic ministry school. Could you imagine some young rank and file doing the 5 min talk on that?
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
All of these speeches and TV specials with their analysts and experts but not once have I heard any mention of US terrorist groups. We are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but I ask: What is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, Sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, Idaho? Yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies. We should be setting the example first in our own backyard while we prepare to do the same around the world.
WTS involvement with politics/UN exaggerated?
by troubled ini've seen the threads on the wts' involvement with cesnur, swaggert, and the un.
since then, i've done additional research on the internet, including accessing the un's webiste and searching for "watchtower" and "jehovah's witnesses.
" and i am concerned that many of the posts on this website grossly overexaggerate the degree of the wts's involvement and its purpose.. in my internet research, the only connection i have seen between the wts and cesnur or the un is in situations on the world scene threaten their right to religious freedom.
Very enlightening post all of you. Thank you.
And I will quickly throw in one more testimony toward the fact that is indeed taught or was taught that ANY involvement that was not secular in nature with other religions or political regime is strongly forbidden. This means any affiliation with the UN, any activity side by side with another church or any affiliation with a government. It is just not nessesary since God is the one who will protect you not a false church or a government.
So why the need for lawyers anyway? I guess the same reason the pope needs a bullet proof car.
Jay Dubs right about 1914
by FrightMare inplease study this chart very, very carefully: http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/ges/d-3-2.htm.
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
One question: exactly which 1914 prediction are JWs right about, the ones made then or the one they stick to currently?
For chappy: knowledge grows exponentially, one thing often cannot be learned or understood untill another thing is. Man could not smelt metal untill he learned to controll fire, man cant learn about atoms untill we have the electron microscope,etc. The key element in mankind accruing knowledge is the ability to pass that knowledge on to others and more importantly to other generations. One can only imagine the amount of knowlege that has been lost in civilizations due to the great effect of calamity such as war or famine or natural disasters. There are so many civs that are extinct with barely a record of their existance. Man slowly developed better ways to communicate and travel and think. There is a redundency of information so if one region falls to diaster, civ. does not go back to sqaure one each time. Add to that as mentioned previously the great inventions, as well as great discoveries like electricity and walla you have a simmering pot of technology stew waiting to boil over.
It also helps if you dont believe the world is flat or the sun revolves around the earth and/or tortue and kill those who might tell you anything contrary.
By the way fright your chart is lame. dont you have ms office or something. |
/----\ /
Hey look, a chart: __/ \_____/ -
Questions="dishonest baiting"?
by Julie inthree little scriptures that i feel reflect the opposite of all that christians claim biblegod to be.
i merely asked a hard-core defender of the faith to justify these as actions of an all-loving, enlightened supreme being.
here they are along with the "explanations" of them (in a nutshell):.
Umm okay then. I wont even address siegswifes comments, just smile and back slowly away.....
Does anyone ever consider that these old test. stories were written after the fact in order to explain certain events? EX: A three day pestilance occurs and to explain rationally the author tells a tale of a disobediant king who gets to choose from one of 3 possible fates.
This kind of writing is also evident in greek mythology. EX: A terrible calamity befalls a city or a person and the author will explain how a god or some gods were involved in causing or directing the event usually through some interaction with humans.Just observations.
Watchtower Exploitation Begins!
by metatron inover the weekend, various publishers/congregations were.
instructed to go out in service for a "special work".. some congregations received letters from circuit overseers.
emphasizing immediate use of old awake magazines with articles.
Perhaps a DO did make that remark but it would amount to nothing more than personal speculation. When there is any dispute over doctrine one is directed to first the written word of WTBS publications and if there is still dispute a letter to the gov body would be required and follwed by written clarification. I could be wrong, but I do not believe such published documentation exists.
Watchtower Exploitation Begins!
by metatron inover the weekend, various publishers/congregations were.
instructed to go out in service for a "special work".. some congregations received letters from circuit overseers.
emphasizing immediate use of old awake magazines with articles.
Wow. My second day after finding this site and I am amazed. Did I hear (read) correctly that active JW's are on this site reading this apostate propaganda? And not only that but they are proposing that God will take into account the true heart of person on judgment day? Now I have not been to a meeting for 10 years, the 2 funerals of family I attended at the k-hall do not count, but this is intersesting. Are they actually suggesting that anyone not completely in line with the O will survive destruction for eternity? Very strange to me indeed since this is NOT WHAT I WAS TAUGHT for 18 years. This is not what I studied countless times. This is not the same threat leveled against me any time I so much as wavered. Even recently from my long standing JW father: "I would hate to see you or your family lose their lives" (damn, so would I). Even, so I was taught, many who attend meetings and engage in service may not survive. And make no mistake: I WAS TAUGHT, with absolute clarity, that anyone who is killed during that time, anyone who is dfed or not in good standing, or anyone bloodguilty will be "cast into the valley of Gehenna" for eternal destruction. No ressurection for those ones. This is or at least was the teaching and if you dont believe this teaching then YOU are not in line and are in danger yourself. How can you claim to be JW when you are not accepting this fundemental doctrine? You cannot pick and choose with the organization. You must view me and the majority of the people you meet, good hearted or not, as future dead people. That is stark honesty and I wont let you skirt the issue with this "kinder gentler Armageddon" notion.