A sad phenomenon in the US is that many will be interested to the point of studying through the Require brochure or the Knowledge book and then decide they just don't want to be Witnesses after all. So it is not an uninformed decision to reject Witnessism, it is an informed one. They seek -- they study -- and then decide that this is not for them. So they stop studying and go elsewhere.
JoinedPosts by OHappyDay
Decade of Decline and Stagnation......2002 Report
by ISP inbritain.
1992 service year report.
JW Elder convicted of defrauding church members
by Rado Vleugel ina jw elder was convicted of defrauding elderly and financially unsophisticated congregation members and others out of millions of dollars!.
read the whole story on http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org.
rado vleugel.
The third posting of this indicates people are hungry for bad news about Witnesses and eager to grab at anything. So what? One elder out of thousands. The Society has long warned against schemes like this, so those who were caught should have been wary.
You can't blame to Society for what one unscrupulous person does that is against what the Society preaches.
Unless you are so hungry to find blame that you will grab at anything.
Why do so many people here disbelieve allegations?
by avishai inthis is not a question regarding bill bowen/ray franz et.
that has been discussed elsewhere.
Hello Jim. I enjoyed "Apocalypse Delayed," and am glad to see you posting here.
I also share your sense of justice. By all means, convict the guilty, but let them be proven guilty first.
Question on the NWT translation
by Nowhere inone intresting thing is that both the kingdom interlinear and the nwt is based on the greek text of westcott & hort.
that is a good text, and was the text for about two generations.
but today no one except the watchtower society bases their translation on that text.
No man is indispensable, not even Franz. There are enough people available who are skilled in koine Greek -- the New Testament was not written in classical Greek -- and Hebrew to put out a new translation or update of the NWT if it was felt to be needed.
The Westcott and Hort Greek text was not the only one considered in the 1984 Reference Bible (see page 6). At any rate, there are no doctrinal considerations in the differences between WH and newer Greek texts like Nestle-Aland. The NWT used what many considered to be the best at the time. If it were to be translated today, no doubt it would use a different text, utilizing any later textual criticism.
Bill Bowen's attack on Ray Franz
by COJ inbill bowens attack on ray franz: .
i very seldom find time for checking the discussions going on at various debate sites, and wasnt aware of bill bowens statements about ray franz in his original post of oct. 9, 2002 at 7:26 (now evidently altered), until a friend quite recently sent my a copy of it.
i was not only surprised but was shocked at his statements.
Like so much else, this has degenerated into a personality dispute.
I have read Franz's and COJ's books. I have read Bill Bowen's posts. I have no reason to doubt the motives of Franz and COJ.
by JT injust got a call from lady "c" here at work, cnn, abc, cbs, ect trucks are in our subdivision.
the wife of the sniper lived in the townhouse section of our subdivision.
i think i am going to be sick.
One of his wives, JT....the Prophet allows his followers to have several, and this guy did. :)
Can't understand how a father of children could shoot and threaten children himself...or how a black man could be the instigator of this sick violence. But he is one of Farrakhan's disciples, and we know that Farrakhan's love of the black man did not embrace his own mentor Malcolm X.
Anyway, good riddance.
Letter read at Supplimentary Elder's School
by messenger inchristian congregation
of jehovah's witnesses
2528 route 22
But if there are omissions in the transcription it could put a different light on matters. For example I would have expected a statement in the Society's letter that authorities should be notified of any accusation of pedophilia, even if the congregation could do no more when it is denied.
The recent events should have taught the Society at least that much. And that would be in line with being in subjection to the "superior authorities." Even if the congregation elders can't do much, they certainly can notify the authorities, or strongly suggest that the victim do so.
Yes the WT Told Millions of Youth NO COLLEGE!!
by JT in*** watchtower september 1 1975 p.543 questions from readers *** .
how many years of secular education are advisable for children in christian households?
today, there are many teenage baptized servants of jehovah... how far should they go with a secular education?
Yeah, and a lot of parents and children pragmatically ignored that message. Even the children of elders have (quietly) attended and graduated from college. Even pioneers have to support themselves, and those who don't are ostracized in this part of town.
Witnesses worry too much about the end of the world. In the meantime the bills have to be paid.
Have you read my experience in the Awake?Read this
by ELON14 inmany of you already know my real name.i'm the one whose experience was published in the sep 8 1994 awake mag.
i would like to stress that although i have good reason to be angry and bitter, nothing i say here is said in anger but only in sadness.
i write this to say that if i could take back many of my words i said in that experience , i would.
ELON may be a native speaker of Hebrew, but modern Hebrew and biblical Hebrew are not the same language when it comes to grammar and syntax. Scholars of biblical Hebrew are clear that the preposition "le-" is primarily spatial and may be a valid marker for "in" OR "at."
It is unlikely that the translators of the King James Version (1611) and the New King James Version (1976) had any 1914 bias when they translated Jeremiah 29:10 as "seventy years AT Babylon." It is also unlikely that the translators of the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate had a 1914 bias when they rendered that verse essentially the same way in their languages.
Grammar alone can't solve the problem.
Ted Jaracz - the accused
by Nathan Natas inat the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
All well and good but this is still America and in the much maligned but still working American system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Unsubstantiated allegations are just so much slander, no matter how noble the intent.
Get your facts and evidence in place FIRST. THEN make your accusations.
That's the way it is. That's the way it should be.