A sister at our WT study today told of her encounter with an "apostate." One of her co-workers approached her upon seeing her with a copy of the Draw Close to Jehovah book and said that he had once been a Witness. In fact, he said, he had been an elder for many years and his wife had been a pioneer for many also.
Makes you wonder why those held up as examples (elders, pioneers) leave.
It is so sad that it is not "Satan" who discourages and weakens Witnesses today. It is the Organization, with its mantra that whatever we do is never enough, that is guilty of promoting the "lie that we are worthless in God's eyes." (paragraph 17) This idea that Jehovah is only provisionally satisfied with us, but unless we do more, more, more, all that we have done already is meaningless, worthless.
Tomorrow, we will gather to remember that Jesus died for us. But if we want to get into that new world, what Jesus did is not enough. We just have to keep on pushin' and work out our own salvation, Watchtower-style.