Here is how I see it. Imagine if, during that time in which you were turned off by "apostates", you got into a horrible car wreck (knock on wood) and you still kept your "no-blood card" in your wallet. They respected the "no-blood card" and let you die, right there, on the operating table. Horrible, right?
Well, imagine you had not been turned off by "apostates". Instead, "apostates" showed a loving & kind demeanor toward your objections and questions (like Paul Grundy & others did to me). You started having stronger doubts and, like me, asked for your "no-blood card" from the Elder's files and destroyed the one carried in your wallet (I did this very early on, even though I was still active for about 2 years afterward).
Then, you get into that same accident and your life is saved by a transfusion. You fully wake up, as does your family. Boom! Life saved.
THAT is how important it is we set a good example for lurkers and active JWs. It is a matter of life and death!
Oh, but its just "satire", right? Wrong! We have a responsibility to current JWs and the little children who might end up not being raised in this damn cult, just by us swallowing our pride and being respectful.