JoinedPosts by jacobm
Russell's chronology was right after all!
by Vanderhoven7 inthe kingdom of god is already begun, which is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in a.d. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of god almighty" which will end in 1914 with the complete overthrow of the earth's present rulership, is already commenced.. i just did the math....and russell was right.
christ returned invisibly in 1874 and took rulership (restored kingdom reign) in 1878.. 2520 years minus 607 when jerusalem was destroyed = 1913 (accounting for no year zero) = 1914. that`s 2520 - 607 = 2014. but wait, that`s 2520 prophetic years of 360 days, not solar days of 365.25 days.
to convert to solar days then one must multuiply 2520 x 365.25 which gives us 2,484 actual years.
What is the Modern Christian's Role, According to the Bible
by jacobm inif any other christians can answer this:.
what is the role of the believer in this day of the church (the body of christ, not the building)?.
is preaching a main goal?.
What is the Modern Christian's Role, According to the Bible
by jacobm inif any other christians can answer this:.
what is the role of the believer in this day of the church (the body of christ, not the building)?.
is preaching a main goal?.
My mom died at 96 (without a visit from her granddaughter)
by BONEZZ indon't get here much anymore.
my mom, if you remember, really wanted to see her granddaughter before she died.
Using Review Sites To Spread the Word About JW Dangers
by jacobm ini have posted a review of the kingdom hall that i attended before i revoked my jw membership, on both yelp & google.
i figured that it only takes me 5 minutes to write a good review, and it could save someone a lot of heartache.
keep in mind that you have to post a firsthand account of your experience.
Hello everyone,
I have posted a review of the Kingdom Hall that I attended before I revoked my JW membership, on both Yelp & Google. I figured that it only takes me 5 minutes to write a good review, and it could save someone a lot of heartache.
Keep in mind that you have to post a firsthand account of your experience. My first review got taken down because it was a more generic "this is a cult" review, and someone flagged it (hmmm..I wonder who).
- Jake
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Is reasoning with a JW the answer?
by Saved_JW inwhen i first left the watchtower society, i can remember being very eager to learn new information, especially information which pertained to discrediting the watchtower organization.
i called it "the cage stage" .
this excitement and newfound change in worldview completely rocked my world.
After 50 years Zealous Service, My Elder Friends goes Inactive
by James Jack ini asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Great question, OP!
First off, the WT uses John 6:68 to support saying "where" instead of "whom":
English Standard Version
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,As I am sure other Christians on this board would agree, Jesus is the alternative. This was extremely hard for me to understand until I had not been at JW meetings for at least 8 months. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life...according to the Bible.
Now, the other point wanted to make is whether or not you will decide to remain a Christian is up to YOU! If you are not sure, then you should 1) Take plenty of time to self-reflect and RELAX and 2) Start reading & researching. Perhaps use the method of Deduction, as well as the study Logic, to first decide whether there is a God at all!
Feel free to read something like Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" and see what that side of the argument has to say. Then, have a look at this Christian Apologetics book: http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Have-Enough-Faith-Atheist/dp/1581345615 . Research both sides of the argument! Your first research should likely be related Theism vs Non-Theism (God vs. no God)!
Bottom line, take your time. Don't be run by fear or a need to belong. And for heaven's sake: Don't fall into another cult/cult mindset. As Steven Hassan has written about, there are all sorts of cults! Religious, "scientific", political, business, etc. Oh, and read his book "Combating Cult Mind Control".
Best Wishes!
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Reminder about language and content
by Simon inwhile the vast majority of posts that the majority of posters share are perfectly fine (which we appreciate) i've noticed we have a few cases where bad language, crude innuendo and outright misogyny is creeping in.. this is not acceptable.. we're not certainly not prudish and neither are we going to enforce puritanical rules - sometimes a politically incorrect joke is funny as hell and sometimes strong language is justified.
but often times content is completely out of place and cannot be justified.. so, please don't post crude content or use expletives just to be "shocking".
it's childish and immature and won't be tolerated.. thank you to all the people this has nothing at all to do with..
Here is how I see it. Imagine if, during that time in which you were turned off by "apostates", you got into a horrible car wreck (knock on wood) and you still kept your "no-blood card" in your wallet. They respected the "no-blood card" and let you die, right there, on the operating table. Horrible, right?
Well, imagine you had not been turned off by "apostates". Instead, "apostates" showed a loving & kind demeanor toward your objections and questions (like Paul Grundy & others did to me). You started having stronger doubts and, like me, asked for your "no-blood card" from the Elder's files and destroyed the one carried in your wallet (I did this very early on, even though I was still active for about 2 years afterward).
Then, you get into that same accident and your life is saved by a transfusion. You fully wake up, as does your family. Boom! Life saved.
THAT is how important it is we set a good example for lurkers and active JWs. It is a matter of life and death!
Oh, but its just "satire", right? Wrong! We have a responsibility to current JWs and the little children who might end up not being raised in this damn cult, just by us swallowing our pride and being respectful.
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