Online arguments/reviews regarding "Day of Deceit", the book suggesting an FDR conspiracy with the Pearl Harbor bombing.
" [ntsb web site] .
" [ntsb web site] .
"both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder have proven to be valuable tools in the accident investigation process.
Online arguments/reviews regarding "Day of Deceit", the book suggesting an FDR conspiracy with the Pearl Harbor bombing.
before i begin, i want to acknowledge two people who drew out the implications of the findings of social psychology in understanding the dynamics of the culture of the jehovah's witnesses.
jang offered some exellent information on this subject.
Good stuff. What is the current light on oral sex? I knew it was banned at one point and then I heard it was a conscience matter between married couples. At any rate, I knew that elders did it and nothing was mentioned. (Some of our elders had wandering eyes, which was always fun.)
``because the world scene is always changing, a family head may be inclined to spend an excessive amount of time on the job, with a view to building up his financial reserves for unforeseen crises.''.
do they seriously endorse living from paycheck to paycheck as spiritually meritorious, a responsible mode of living for heads of families with mortgage/rent payments, child support, health insurance, car payments, utility bills, a food budget, etc.
all this after they ``stack the deck'' against self-sufficiency and independence for the average jw famnily head by discouraging university education or other forms of specialized education so vital in today's complex economy.. that's why so many, even while professing loyalty and submission to the fds quietly come to terms on their own.
Is there anywhere on the Society's own website that has any financial/earnings information, or is that all closed-door? If there was something Society-based, I'd be comfortable bothering to tell my father (elder) to look at it.. Or, is there any specific challenging questions that you can challenge a Witness to ask an overseer? Like, would it do any good to challenge a Witness/Elder to ask about Rand Corp, or to ask their CO "Who is Rand Corp and What kind of devices do thry make?" I wouldn't insult myself trying to help dad unless there was something incontrovertable using proximitous Society-sponsored data.
for those who might be interested in the plight, public murder,bride-price, of women who live under talibans terroriistic fundamentalism........ warning!
graphic photos.. http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/women.html.
carl sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones.
Those policies alone are enough to merit military action, as UN wrist slaps won't ever do a thing. I was reflecting to the gf that the way Afghani women are immolating themselves before they get raped, shot, tortured, etc, they're *Already* being carpet bombed in terrible ways, a little at a time. Ths continued objectification of women is what grants the pubescent disenfranchised boys the certainty that heaven IS composed of 72 chicks for every martyr. If they had any fucking physics whatsoever, instead of 24x7 Koran channel, they'd see that such a promise is for one purpose only, making them into living smartbombs. De-objectify the females, and that's one support out from under the menu of incentives that these bombers/kamikazes have.
Regardless, this stuff makes me pissed when I hear some peacenix insisting that these people can be reasoned with. America didn't MacDonald and Coke the TowelBuns into shooting their own women.
Where's the hand-grenades....
as i read this board i notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in god anymore, and when i run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in god, that i have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here.
for a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position i guess.
as i was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and i realized that the one true religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you.
Dude, read some Socrates and Plato. That's Real spirituality, and what you're knowing and recognizing as "religion" couldn't shine a f'n candle to it. It's no wonder Paul kept blasting 'wisdom of men'; it was dangerous to his powerbase and he was one to know (he rips off Plato something fierce). And there's no chance in hell the Society would let anyone read that stuff, let alone quote from it. Save your vitriol for Religion; spirituality has been doing just well, thanks, for thousands of years.
three little scriptures that i feel reflect the opposite of all that christians claim biblegod to be.
i merely asked a hard-core defender of the faith to justify these as actions of an all-loving, enlightened supreme being.
here they are along with the "explanations" of them (in a nutshell):.
Old news, Tdogg. Skeptics (people that use science exclusively) have been deconstructing miracles and acts of god for centuries. But welcome to the club, it's liberating and fearless.
Here's a quick link I found on the Great Flood.
There's interesting stories for the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, manna and the pillar of fire.
i have been thinking a lot lately about death.
this is not surprising considering the turn of events on the 11th.. i have been re-awakened to the transient nature of human life and how it can go in the blink of an eye.
as the bible says life is vanity and a striving for the wind.. with all of the talk about world war 3 and how dangerous this world has become, i have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster this past week.. the fear of dying is a normal and basic emotion.
Millions now dying will never live.
There is also the realization, by JWs of accomplishment or potential, that their potential will never be seen and appreciated by those to whome it would matter most, ie, worldly people who have a refined sense of taste, artistry, composition. There's plenty JWs who might buy in that the 'whole world is passing away', but many still harbor the dream of being something, here and now, visibly, if only in a diet-sense so as to remain in the org. The prospect of death is the harrowing prospect of leaving no legacy, no ideologic tombstone, no epitaph or famous quotation that can one day inspire someone who didn't know you directly.
three little scriptures that i feel reflect the opposite of all that christians claim biblegod to be.
i merely asked a hard-core defender of the faith to justify these as actions of an all-loving, enlightened supreme being.
here they are along with the "explanations" of them (in a nutshell):.
What fucked me up was Lot offering his two beautiful daughters. How is a pubescent male JW supposed to take that? Hurtful.
Rex says, "Furthermore, you are dishonest and heartless even in that respect, because you offer those leaving the WBTS nothing except a six foot hole at the end of a pointless life." - You sound misanthropic, Rex. Those who have nothing have everything to gain, that's how we developed mythology. Anyone who rationally stares mortality in the face is free to contrive their own, Personally Approved spiritualities that aren't designed to rape them of their true potential. THAT is what is offered to anyone who walks out of the JWs - not to be raped anymore. And offering this as a starter is bad?
knowing what hijackers are capable of now, what would you do if you were on a plane and a group of hijackers began taking over?.
would you stand and fight, calling on your fellow passengers to fight with you?.
what if the terrorists were armed with guns or claimed to have a bomb?
Right now I'm imagining ascenario where the hijackers insist that they only wish to land the plane at an unplanned destination. They have passengers under knife and gun, etc, but insist that no one will die if everyone cooperates. Being that the people are offered this little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, and if the terrorists play their cards right by keeping everyone alive, then I can see everyone giving no resistance. They'd stay sane and peaceful until they saw the next target building looming in the distance, and the uncomfortable intuition that the plane just now banked 'just so'.. At this point, it is probably too late for the agape of sacrificing one planeload to overcome the hijacker pilots, and, there will be loss of life on the ground.
I'd say it's time for new tacit rules.
1. Obviously, everyone in possession of a cell phone should be using the hell out of it, as possible, if only to get voice prints of highjackers and provide some augmentation or replacement for the blackbox, plus to give some idea of available heroism.
2. If the pilot is killed or replaced by terrorist pilots, the passengers have a high certainty that they need to do the right thing.
3. If the passengers are herded to the back of the plane, there's a high chance that they need to do the right thing.
4. Terrorists are possessed of an inner single-minded vision. There are many accounts of Americans who gave their lives to save a drowning, snowbound, inferno, etc, victim. There's a place in the lizard brain that can tap into a righteous rage that can save lives, and Americans don't have to be too civilized to use it, now that we've been served formal notice what the new rules are.
5. God help the terrorist who screws up and actually f'n Tells the passengers they're going to die. I hope he gets a big, wet, loving, ocular noogie in his last moments.
based on comments in various threads, it seems that many of you are acquainted with the various ``dodges'' jws use to strech out their field service time: foot-dragging, driving around on return visits from one far-flung end of the territory to the other, the skilful avoidance of contact with housholders, coffee breaks, etc.
etc.. do you have any impression of how pervasive these time-wasting such practices are, and what proportion of the time reported by jws is actually bogus and not spent productively?
or, put another way, how rare is is to encounter who just loves to go out and who uses his/her time efficiently from beginning to end?.
"how painful was it to lead the group everday trying to think of something new to say" - Towards the end, I was saying things like, "God speed!" hehe Only the Gestaponeers knew that was a paganish thing to say..
"and not appear that one is always saving the best people (the skilled time-waters) for ones own car group." lol! I'd get thru that stuff quick usually, being confident the smarter sisters would fix things in the parking lot. Now, this kindof backlashed, because then the sisters got a reason to make jokes about how they were so much smarter. I didn't appreciate that back then (although it's funny now).