I was in the audience at a hypnotism session. The hypnotist's closing comments was to remind all that the three things he used - relaxation, distraction and repetition, where what governments and religions used to hypnotize.
JoinedPosts by Teirce
Programming Through Post Hypnotic Suggestions
by Victor_E ini went into the knowledge book to pull some post hypnotic suggestions that were the constant diet of fussy gummy thinking that can lead to fear and paranoia.
pg 10 if life in paradise appeals to you, let nothing hold you back from gaining the knowledge of god.. this is a blanket all or nothing statement that registers in the unconscious mind as i need to do all the jws tell me with no exceptions, to have the paradise life.
satan is opposition to god through your study of the bible........you will not let pressures to prevent you from what is right .......satan ruthlessly tries to intimidate anyone ......you should always.....remember and appreciate jehovah.....you help opposers gain appreciation.
The Day After Armageddon
by Tatiana inthe day after armageddon.
hey, maybe it won't be so bad after all!.
I have the chilling sensation of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.
<wake up with clothes><see them guys><they point and scream like satan>
Nov. 8 Awake - Wife Beaters-Sick
by MrMoe ini will let you all hang who ever the heck wrote this crap.
november 8, 2001 awake page 9: some battered women may need to seek assistance from the authorities.
at times, a point of crisis-such as intervention of the police-can cause an abusive man to see the seriousness of the action.. page 12: should the battered wife leave her husband?
"If she should actually depart, let her remain unmarried or else make up with her husband."
That means the abuser can bottleneck the wife's prospects for happy marriage inside the org. She'll have to get herself fornicated, divorced, and back to good standing before she can explore another marriage. Lots of time and money.
Is evolution a fact or theory?
by sleepy inis evolution a fact or a theory?.
i suppose it depends on what you mean.. evolution in the sense of change from one generation to the next seams to be fact.. is well observed that offspring from a given creature will differ from the parent in different ways and thus after many generation can come to be quite different.. also that the genes of a creature can be affected by radiation from the sun and be alter in a novel way producing new and unique features in its offspring ( as long as the mutation is in the sperm or the egg).. that we came about via changes in the genes that eventually created a very different creature than that existed many generations ago , is that a fact?.
this requires that not only that there are changes between generation but also that these changes could be directed by different environments to such a degree that only certain specialised features could survive and reproduce offspring whilst other creatures have died out and only remain in fossilised form.. what evidence is there that such environments can and have existed?
Alan, do you have any materials/links on the origins of the X and Y chromosomes? Tks
The Serpent Ate the Fruit
by Black Man ini remember in one of my bethel entrants school classes, the instructor commenting on the events that went down in genesis chapter 3 and commenting that one of the reasons why the serpent was so persuasive was because he "evidently" partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
because he had taken such a course, he could persuasively convince eve to do the same.
i can't remember what source material he used to support this assertion.
That smells like one of those "isms" that Circus Overseers are allowed to speculate upon without textual proof, just as a perk. Keeps them just that side of mortal and accountable, thus imbuing them with a mystical diet-flavor of divinity. Interesting.
Religious Ideology
by outsider_looking_in inreligious ideology.
taoism: shit happens.
confucianism: confucius, he say: "shit happens.
hehe. Meism, I'm the shit.
Care to vent with me?
by patio34 inam aware this is not original.
my jw son called yesterday.
he pointed out to me how "fragile" everything is, what with the wtc bombing threatening so much in the us and world.
Wiseguy, outsider. hehe
Martial arts as a metaphor for verbal conflicts
by Introspection inlet me know what you guys think of this.. if there isn't much response maybe i'll type a little less, don't want to be boring everyone if it's not of interest.... well, i was thinking about how arguments happen online on this board and elsewhere, and it occurred to me it has some things in common with some basic martial arts principles.. first of all, something very basic that nobody seems to think about is that you need to see what your opponent is doing.
it seems that often people get upset and are more likely to be focused on that feeling, rather than how they will respond to the other person's argument or actions.
(of course, a calm and collected fight probably doesn't make a good movie) in verbal arguments, this can take various forms.
Sorry, Intro. The relevant quotes I drew upon indicate that martial arts is based on sound knowledge of science and natural law, and on personal experience rather than on "others' experience". In this regard, those who debate with martial arts principles do not engage in groupthink. I wasn't referencing Lark's discussion..
Quotes from that link - "Kashima-ShinryĆ» is martial "science" because mastery of its theoretical foundations and advanced principles must be based on scientific knowledge of the natural cosmos in which humans live." and "More important, in both cases it is not limited just to physical science but extends to human sciences, especially sciences of human relations and self-realization."
But you do raise an interesting distinction: every level of JW heirarchy possesses secret techniques of debate which can be weilded over the group(s) under it. The rank-n-swiss weild powerful appeals to stupidity over the stupid, the Elders weild power appeals to guilt over the rank-n-swiss, the CO's weild powerful threats over the Elders, on up the line. All these techniques are kept secret from the lower echelons, and forsooth, "could also be used for great harm in the wrong hands." -
When Virgins Collide.
by Englishman inback in the 60's virginity was in.
the wt magazine even went so far as to refer to single non-virgin women as being "like a towel that anyone can wipe their hands on" and featured a pic of an ashamed looking women with a dirty towel behind her.
how could a man contemplate marrying such a woman?.
Er, why do I get the feeling that an (older) woman's virginity might indicate the presense of some emotional baggage that will take some dealing with? Enforced virginity is about as close to robbing the cradle as you can get. Not saying we should return to the happy times where girls were married off at 12. But, the only thing virginity is advantaging the owner in, after becoming an adult, is freedom from desease, which can be guarded against by many other means (particularly monogamy or being selective). If a father of a house desires that he not have to deal with the consequences of a pregnant daughter (or fathering son), yeah, I can get behind that. But if she gets out and supports herself, there's zero reason for virginity, unless one has a classical "Vestal Virgin" kind of happy, ideal asthetic, which is just dandy.
I think one of the indirect advantages (and who knows, the Society may have actually designed for this) is that the horny, non-comprehensive marriages of young persons, combined with the sanction against divorce, resulted in unhappy, unfulfilling unions that actually produced more stress that could be harnessed and redirected into the preaching work. Imagine, You marry someone you feel is a hot potato, yet they turn out to want quite different things, have quite different habits, have different levels of morals and conscience, and it drives you stark raving mad. Since you can't relate to your spouse on a.. philosophical, personal level (that has nothing to do with the Society), and you aren't permitted to associate with non-witnesses, that leaves either hanging with Witness buddies, or just getting out in service more to get association with other Witnesses. Therefore, it didn't just pay off to make people sexually frustrated, but also emotionally frustrated by being blinded by the sex, first.
For myself, I was married for a year, and it taught me (what I feel) was 20 years worth of lesson. Now I have what I want to call a wonderful relationship, but That is based on the fact that it Isn't set in stone, because both people are not locked in stone, but instead believe in the Principle of staying together, rather that the Law of doing so. (sorry for the soapboxy capitol letters..)
Martial arts as a metaphor for verbal conflicts
by Introspection inlet me know what you guys think of this.. if there isn't much response maybe i'll type a little less, don't want to be boring everyone if it's not of interest.... well, i was thinking about how arguments happen online on this board and elsewhere, and it occurred to me it has some things in common with some basic martial arts principles.. first of all, something very basic that nobody seems to think about is that you need to see what your opponent is doing.
it seems that often people get upset and are more likely to be focused on that feeling, rather than how they will respond to the other person's argument or actions.
(of course, a calm and collected fight probably doesn't make a good movie) in verbal arguments, this can take various forms.
Nice. I looked up some links that might apply to the subject.
http://deermoss.dhs.org/~nuthouse/eac/eac-logic.html - logical fallacies
http://www.mtsu.edu/~jaeller/logic.html - other logical fallacies
http://ksr.facade.com/essays/04b-art.html - martial arts and personal/individual observation (not groupthink)
http://home.stny.rr.com/iama/elements.html - 5 martial elements (are also used in conversation)One thing about martial arts is that it doesn't appeal to mercy, just as science doesn't, although it does use elements of understanding one's own intrinsic advantages. Therefore, JWs, or other cult groups, lack both the benefit of using hard, merciless science And personal perspective.