Franc and lookin:
Thanks for your sensible words. They were just what I needed today.
So many times people throw in a bunch of 'mandatory' crap that we lose sight of what really is important...
Thank you for saying it so simply and honestly.
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Franc and lookin:
Thanks for your sensible words. They were just what I needed today.
So many times people throw in a bunch of 'mandatory' crap that we lose sight of what really is important...
Thank you for saying it so simply and honestly.
(cause even i like to post witness stuff at times).
* names have been changed to protect the innocent.. "tim!
get to the hall as quick as you can tonight.
LOL oh my God! LOL
Sorry.. you're right!
I can remember, though, having to read in front of my family and younger brother the Youth Book about intercourse, female cycles and hair growing in certain areas..
Give me a break!
okay, something has been bugging me and i'm wondering if anyone else suffers from the same thing.. growing up in the 'truth' i was given many scary 'visuals' as to what could happen in my lifetime.
i remember hearing a talk that my family taped that was considered a real eye opener.
it described no water, witnesses living in the cold woods.. your own brother being captured by the officials and ratting you out.
Okay, something has been bugging me and I'm wondering if anyone else suffers from the same thing.
Growing up in the 'truth' I was given many scary 'visuals' as to what could happen in my lifetime. I remember hearing a talk that my family taped that was considered a real eye opener. It described no water, Witnesses living in the cold woods.. your own brother being captured by the officials and ratting you out. It said how you might be told to give up info on your fellow JW's. My family told me that we had to make sure we never told on our brothers and sisters in the Org if we ever got arrested. As you can imagine, this gave me very scary thoughts since I was a toddler.
I have always been told what a scary place the Tribulation would be.. how we might be persecuted, raped, never see our loved ones.. well this always terrorized me to death. I am currently on a kidney list for getting a transplant and I remember years ago being told that I may not always have access to my meds or health treatment in the future. This has always scared me...
One assembly I went to started with an elder beginning a talk. A few minutes later a man walks up to the elder with a note. The elder stops the talk and says,'excuse me everyone. We are surrounded by police and they are preparing to arrest us all. Please get your things ready.' Well you imagine everyone was about to mess their pants until the elder said this was not real and that if you got nervous you better prepare for this thing really happening one day. That still haunts me to this day.
I heard alot of people were not too happy with his 'act' and let him know it. He still says to this day that it was a good reminder for people to stay on their feet and stay active in the 'truth'.
I sometimes have nightmares about the 'End' coming.. I get panicky and scared wondering whats happening. Am I suffering from a post-traumatic disorder or is this my conscience? Does anyone else feel this way?
I would go into a much more detailed explanation of what I mean but I'm seriously sleep deprived today and not making alot of sense!:)
I'd appreciate your thoughts,
(cause even i like to post witness stuff at times).
* names have been changed to protect the innocent.. "tim!
get to the hall as quick as you can tonight.
heh heh.. funny story!
I always thought the brothers had a much easier job.. all they had to do was read scriptures and hardly tie in a subject when us sisters had to have a householder, have a setting, tie in a problem and try to solve it with scriptures all in 5 minutes.
I did some of my best acting on the stage.
with the 4th anniversary of my parents death looming and the anniversary of their last wedding anniversary party where my family was together and happy for the last time just being past ....i was feeling kind of depressed and wanted to reach out to what family i have left.
i sat there and debated in my mind if i should do it...should i try and reach out to my sister..see if i could reach her across the barrier of the jw religion.
should i try to remind her that we are sisters...we were sisters before we became jws and we will always be sisters.
Like so many others said here... I have felt the pain of being rejected by my family also.
I'm new here and haven't gotten a chance to know you well, Xena, but I hope I can comfort you somehow by reminding you that in no way is it a 'Christ-like' attitude to be so hateful to your family.
My own mother would hang up on me while I was in tears, begging for some sort of emotional or family bond. She would state that she had 'biblical and elder's backing' to not have anything to do with me anymore. She also said I was making her spiritually weak. What a crock.
I know how much I love my siblings and my own child and there is NOTHING on this earth that could make me disown them. Makes you wonder how an institution could twist them into thinking it's the right thing to do.
It's definitely not feeling sorry for yourself.. what you feel is totally natural. Its your sister who is acting unnaturally. As my therapist told me: "You're having a NORMAL reaction to a very UNNORMAL situation."
My prayers and heart goes out to you.
does anyone here know if the claims in this url are true?
did rutherford in fact have beth sharim constructed for the benefit of the resurrected prophets?.
ok guys.. i'm lost.
I'm sorry if I seem a bit naive, but who the heck is Beth Sharim? I've been raised in the Org and never heard of it. Am I the only one? Can anyone explain?
Thanks! :)
Just about
everyone I know that has been DF'd never just puts a foot in the world, but leaps headlong
into it like a swan dive into an empty swimmingpool. Sad but true......
damn... just when I thought I was normal.. I guess I better go get ready to massacre a bunch of innocent people. I'm in the world now, darnnit!
this is the wasted life story from the feb 1 2002 wt.. i would have entitled it the uncaring husband........ this guy gets married in 1954. tragically his wife has to have an operation to remove a brain tumor in 1957. this leaves her in a fairly desperate state.. as a result, my wife was left partially paralysed , and her speech center was badly affected.
now a whole set of complicated challenges arose for both of us.
even the simplest task became a major obstacle for my dear wife.
LOL I'm sorry guys.. this story is sad but I can't stop laughing at your commentaries :-D
whew *wipes tears from eyes*
Seriously, that is pathetic. Does anyone else notice the bragging that oozes from these kinds of stories? I believe that we should do good and not look for attention.. but these people are always saying how much they did in God's name. So sad...
It is REALLY pathetic that a woman with brain damage and who could barely speak was made to sit in a parked car and peddle literature. All the while this guy is bragging about his long suffering. I bet he is really pleased with himself. He should have worked and given her capable care. I spent the last 2 years being a Nurse Assistant taking care of disabled/elderly people. You cannot imagine how simple things like eating is a heartbreaking chore.
The comment, too, about should he leave her and be 'free' was crazy! Free? That definately sounded like a Freudian slip!
I wonder who the next victim will be in his life.... I feel sorry for the next wife he puts through hell to further his cause! I also notice how he goes into detail the great achievments he claims to have labored through, but skims through his wife's demise with a sentence.
this is the wasted life story from the feb 1 2002 wt.. i would have entitled it the uncaring husband........ this guy gets married in 1954. tragically his wife has to have an operation to remove a brain tumor in 1957. this leaves her in a fairly desperate state.. as a result, my wife was left partially paralysed , and her speech center was badly affected.
now a whole set of complicated challenges arose for both of us.
even the simplest task became a major obstacle for my dear wife.
LOL I'm sorry guys.. this story is sad but I can't stop laughing at your commentaries :-D
whew *wipes tears from eyes*
Seriously, that is pathetic. Does anyone else notice the bragging that oozes from these kinds of stories? I believe that we should do good and not look for attention.. but these people are always saying how much they did in God's name. So sad...
It is REALLY pathetic that a woman with brain damage and who could barely speak was made to sit in a parked car and peddle literature. All the while this guy is bragging about his long suffering. I bet he is really pleased with himself. He should have worked and given her capable care. I spent the last 2 years being a Nurse Assistant taking care of disabled/elderly people. You cannot imagine how simple things like eating is a heartbreaking chore.
The comment, too, about should he leave her and be 'free' was crazy! Free? That definately sounded like a Freudian slip!
I wonder who the next victim will be in his life.... I feel sorry for the next wife he puts through hell to further his cause! I also notice how he goes into detail the great achievments he claims to have labored through, but skims through his wife's demise with a sentence.
my cousin, sharon, who died in september.......was disfellowshipped three years ago.
her brother is still a witness, and wrote a thank you card to an elder in the congregation here.
this elder and his wife came to visit sharon a few days before she died, and before she started to lose her ability to make sense when she talked.
What's really scary is that letter sounded all too familiar..
I have heard excuses like that one for over 5 people I know that have left the Organization. Even my own mother (Miss Strong Sister at the time) accused the high blood pressure medicine I had been on since I was 5 as making me crazy and not want to go to meetings. I can't recall how many times my siblings, father or I was called demonic or possessed for not putting up with her crap.
That card made me think of something my sister said to me a few months ago. I am expecting to have surgery in the near future and was remarking how I was nervous to go through it. She said, 'well if you want everything to go right, you know this is the time to get your butt back in the meetings! I dont know why with health problems you dont go. You know Jehovah isnt listening to your prayers.'
I didnt know what to say back. I know with all my heart that God listens and answers my prayers.
Anyway, I think it's safe to say we are all sick but not shocked at this man's thinking. Your poor cousin probably felt his judgment on her in her healthy years too as the result of his 'beliefs'. Sad...