Outta, no matter who wrote it.. thank you for posting it. It was so beautiful..
Please post more when you can, I really appreciate it!
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
Outta, no matter who wrote it.. thank you for posting it. It was so beautiful..
Please post more when you can, I really appreciate it!
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
Gaila, very beautifully spoken. I couldnt have said it better.
Can I print this and save it? It is priceless!
ummmmmmmm it really does make you worry for the sanity of these people.. the watchtower january 15, 2000 you can know the future!
p18 para 17, the question is: how did certain brothers in el salvodor use ingenuity to preach to a man who at first did not want to hear the kingdom message?.
This is a new one...
'If the householder doesnt listen, preach to his pets!'
part 3: the october surprise!
jws were very eager about world events peace and security: the worldwide pronouncement of peace and security has been a prophetic mantra of the jw religion since before i became associated in 1968. and now, at long last, it was finally upon us!
true, 1975 had not brought armageddon, just as 1914 did not bring it either.
I'm waiting for the next installment!!
This is great... best story I've read in the longest!
I've never read a story that I could relate to so much...
Keep em coming! ....
part 2: torn between two worlds .
in late november 1989 we decided to visit our new town, and see our new house.
we scoped out the small town for its amenities, and this included a visit to the kingdom hall where we would eventually attend.. hindsight, being 20-20, i regret now that i did not try to get my family out of the organization before the move.
A wonderful read.. this book would be a best seller, especially with exJWj's.
Dont keep us waiting!! Where's the rest? Do you write it as you go? Or is it all written down somewhere?
I love it... I can relate very well to it!
i've always felt that the adult jws got off pretty easily compared to jw kids.. for instance: .
my dad went to work, and didn't bother his co-workers with jw stuff.
it wasn't allowed.
Lee, I'm so happy for you.. what a great attitude you have. Those are 2 lucky girls, plus your granddaughter, to have a mom like you!
Jan, LMBO .. where'd you get that? Too funny!
i'm really tired of always having to fight.
i don't have any friends in this world and i don't want to return to the evil watchtower.
it seem to me that everyone else around have fun and enjoy the life while, i still don't know what to i do with my life.
Wow what beautiful and TRUE posts here!!
I too, feel socially retarded sometimes! [8>]
It's because, like what others said here, we are told there is nothing but meetings and the Bible. I to this day, feel akward when people talk about what they are going to do on the weekend. I keep reminding myself, 'im normal, i'm a regular person, like them'.. but its hard.
I have no worldly friends, persay. I have co-workers, in laws, but it has been hard on me. It has always been too worldly for Witnesses, to good for worldlies! LOL
But I am having more fun now... I have been self teaching myself the guitar, I read read read, VOLUNTEER, and ski! I love going out... but volunteering is the best thing I've ever done.
Keep us posted!
so i asked my sister a few questions and here is what i got!.
-will black people turn white and speak hebrew in the new system?she laughed and said she never heard that before,april 1 1914 watchtower:all men privledged to live in that new world would return to man`s original state,including man`s original colour and language.. -why can the witnesses have blood transfusions in bulgaria?oh i have never heard that before,but we are to abstain from blood but it is our own choice!what does that mean!
so if a jw was to choose a transfusion i`m sure he would be dfd?.
Quotes, yes that is me.. thanks for the compliments! You made my day
Beans, yikes!
i've always felt that the adult jws got off pretty easily compared to jw kids.. for instance: .
my dad went to work, and didn't bother his co-workers with jw stuff.
it wasn't allowed.
Lee! Your story brought tears to my eyes!! What a sad story.. what a waste of 15 years!! I'm so sorry for you...
That was the most important decision of your life and your mother made it! Then told you to stick with your decision..
I dont know how you have such a great attitude.. what a horrible thing to have happened!!
okay, we last saw these pictures about a year ago so for the 3000+ members who've joined since then here they are again.. .
picture 1. .
picture 2. .
(little kid in the lower corner) 'only 6 hours 36 minutes and 23 seconds of this crap, only 6 hours 36 minutes and 22 seconds of this crap, only 6 hours...'
see honey? The Bible says being a virgin is a virtue! Why, my precious crotch hasnt been fouled up by a sinful man ever!
Look bitch, if you tell anyone about last night, I'll keep you under!
'If you join my religion, you can enjoy lots of beautiful women like me! Here is our latest Society Beauties Calendar... don't mind the moustaches!'