Are there any urban legends that tend to
circulate primarily among JWs, or have you actually experienced any
strange or inexplicable things that you would label the paranormal? For
those born into the religion, do you think the Society's emphasis on the
paranormal or on demons affect your religious beliefs when you were
young or tended to assist the Society in exerting control on your
beliefs? Do you think it made you more fearful as a child or as an
There are a few events in my life that have happened that I cannot explain. However I tend to not pay much attention or try to dwell on it.
Today I'm not really very religious at all, and I don't affirm nor subscribe to any belief (or lack of). Most of my self-help work after leaving the JWs has been about reducing its influence from my life to the minimum possible.
Back when I was a JW it never made sense to me to think that some book or computer or artifact is supposed to have demos attached because of its previous owner. I've always thought it's stupid to think that the last known owner of a given object has the capacity to have demos lingering around it, as opposed to any other people who has been in touch with such object during its manufacturing, distribution, selling and delivery. Why thinking about the last person who owned something before me, and not all the other people who have been in touch with it before? Besides, will that rationale make the opposite true, that is, will objects owned by JWs have angels attached to them? The whole thing sounded stupid to me from day one. Never made sense.
Also, as a child I'd always find a flaw or at least simple mindedness every time that I was hearing one of those stupid "demon" stories. Not to mention that some of those stories were just downright a lie. Also, I grew more fearful of the adults I was supposed to trust in the congregation and in my family than some abstract concept of bad beings out there trying to harm me. The tangible, human ones around me were doing a wonderful work at that without their help.