I thought this may be of interest to JWs because of the pacifist stand they also have.
You know this is an EX-JW sit, right?
i just went to a pre screening of this movie about an adventist guy who didn't want to kill but joined the army as a medic on the front line.
desmond doss saved 75 men in one operation singlehanded on the island of okinawa where desmond worked lowering men down a 400ft cliff to safety.. i thought this may be of interest to jws because of the pacifist stand they also have.. the movie comes out on the 4 th november..
I thought this may be of interest to JWs because of the pacifist stand they also have.
You know this is an EX-JW sit, right?
why were we ever a jw?
were we mad?
we must have been .... well, my excuse is that i knew nothing else.
JeffT is a perfect example of my point. One thing is people's intelligence and a different one is how people feel. I have a problem with labeling people or blaming them for making a foolish decision.
Normally people who join do so for a number of reasons, none of them having anything to do with their level of intelligence. Many experts who study negative influence and brainwashing have determined that the reasons for people who join is because the organization appeals to either people's emotions (ranging from depression to their own ego) or timing (people encountering the WT at a time when they are about to make an important decision, at a time when they have experienced loss, or at a time when they want to make a significant change in their lives).
None of those things have anything to do with a person's intelligence. Is joining an idiotic decision? Maybe. Dire consequences? Definitely. Should people be blamed or labeled as if there's something wrong with them for it? Absolutely not.
is anyone here familiar with the facebook group "jehovah's people: enduring these last days together"?
it's a closed group, so obviously you need to be a member in order to access any info or posts.
my anointed roommate is really frustrated because she's an admin and someone is taking miscellaneous posts from the group and posting it on their own page, which has the exact same name, minus the word "together.
Why is your anointed friend frustrated? Isn't the purpose of those groups to have a sense of community? Sounds a lot like jealousy.
who finally wants the cubs to win a world series for the first time in 108 years?!.
shout out the love, peeps!.
I will implore all the baseball jehovah's to have them win (although I think that them being a good strong team will work better, just my opinion).
that admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
That admission in the Feb.17 ,study edition of the Watchtower , " Who is Leading Gods People Today ?" "The Governing Body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in Doctrinal matters or in organizational direction ."
Have the many Jehovahs Witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by Jehovahs Witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?
Have the family ,relatives and friends of those who lost their loved ones due to the prohibition of blood transfusions by this religion come to grips with what this admission by the organization really means ?
What they are really saying is , our doctrinal policy on no blood transfusions could be wrong , due to the fact we are not infallible and we can err.
A point to consider : The Israelites / Jews were Gods chosen people for thousands of years and under his laws , I`m sure they would have a far better more informed understanding of the Old testament than anybody else , and they are certainly more strict than any JW about eating blood..Kosher food.etc.
Many scriptures support the sanctity of life above the letter of the law., a fact that escapes the JW /GB mindset .
What I understand is that it's never been about making sense. When a person's capacity to be reasonable and critical has been taken away by indoctrination an brainwashing, that person can't see anything wrong in pretty much any statement, no matter how off-the-wall it is.
The WT is not (by far) the only nor the worst organization when it comes to playing games with people's important decisions. I know of people who have been violently attacked and left to die in the wilderness for not abiding the nonsense that the group expects them to do so.
If you Google "negative effects of cults" or "negative effects of indoctrination" or "negative effects of brainwashing", you will discover a number of reliable sources (though some are not verifiable) stating the number of things that people have done based on blind believe and obedience in a given organization.
The WT is responsible for having people do a number of things that have cause a lot of harm to themselves and loved ones. including letting people die over that no blood transfusion nonsense. That's why I have no respect for that organization.
why were we ever a jw?
were we mad?
we must have been .... well, my excuse is that i knew nothing else.
I find myself looking back more with pity than anger. I feel sorry for whoever brought the WTS into our families life. It's unlikely they did it maliciously and they were seeking to do the best thing for their family and their children. They failed, but then how many people really succeed at that. Many manage to do the worst for their offspring so there is something to be thankful for that we are not born elsewhere.
Why do you take it on the people who joined? I think that's blaming the victim of a scam for getting scammed. What's more, intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with the negative influence, the indoctrination and brainwashing that people get submitted to.
I am a born in, and during my time there in that organization I met and still now people who are quite intelligent and decided to join. Remember, one thing is the capacity for people to think and process information, another completely different thing is how a person feels and what their needs are.
The Wt and other cults capitalize on people's needs and feelings, not on reasoning or critical thinking. When you look at why people decide to join, their reasons have not a thing to do with knowing or being able to analyze a piece of information.
has anyone attended the sunday program of the summer regional convention, remain loyal to jehovah?.
i have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program.
i went to friday and sat., not sunday.
Scratchme1010 I do have many concerns but I know they will pass. I will pursue what I pursued my entire life only in secret. The arts, science and mysteries... the unknown. I love our big world of info. I never could do anything witlhout guilt. I cant tell you how many time I got caught up on a painting and didnt study for the meeting. There I would sit with small remnants of paint on a nail and think I hope no one sees my unstudied lesson.
No, life goes on. But pain does remain. I will fake it with my daughter and act as normal as possible. Try to act like nothing is wrong. As a witness, I have gotten good at faking. lol
I'm really not good at it and I know I do it all in vain..
I've been there. You'll get good at it
at watchtowers website there is an undated article under "helping the community" relating how in 2015, jw's from russia participated in the 'springtime beautification of the city'.
it is not stated but more than likely this had to do with preparations for some assembly or something.
a group of witness going out to clean the community just for goodwill - i don't see it happening.
I agree that there has to be something in it for them, either publicity or some kind of legal thing.They have no interest whatsoever in anything but themselves. Their core believes are around this entire planet not being worth saving and needing a "new order", so no, I cannot imagine them doing anything nice that doesn't have anything in it for them.
to help me move on after leaving the org and to maintain my sanity, i have worked on not regretting the time i spent in it.
granted, i have only been out 6 years and was 22 when i left, i still was an active jw from age 16-22. those were prime times of my youth that i will never get back.
i wanted to play high school football and basketball but couldn't.
To help me move on after leaving the Org and to maintain my sanity, I have worked on not regretting the time I spent in it. Granted, I have only been out 6 years and was 22 when I left, I still was an active JW from age 16-22. Those were prime times of my youth that I will never get back. I wanted to play high school football and basketball but couldn't. I wanted to go to college after HS but felt the pressure to pioneer. I am still in my twenties but I still wish I could go back to those years and do them over. Oh well. I have just tried to view it all as a learning experience and helped me be who I am now. Does anyone else regret joining the Org or do you think it helped you become the person you are today?
I was born in, so in my case I find comfort in the fact that I didn't choose to join that filthy organization. However, at one point I did have to deal with the anger. For years after I left I felt happy to catch up with all I was missing, but at some point I did have to properly deal with the anger caused by the damage that the WT inflicted in me.
I realized that there are healthy, proper ways of acknowledging the anger and that I owe no loyalty, not even respect to that organization. Then, and only then was when I really started feeling detached from that organization. I mourned the losses in my life that the WT purposely and ill-ntendedly created, and understood the fact they they have absolutely no authority and no saying in my life.
Today I already have a life and a history and the WT is a small part of my life. It's never going to be eliminated from my history, but it's the most irrelevant thing in my life.
has anyone attended the sunday program of the summer regional convention, remain loyal to jehovah?.
i have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program.
i went to friday and sat., not sunday.
Question, miss.ives01: How do you feel about it? Do you have concerns?