I can now have limited association with df and da ones at the kingdom hall not strictl avoidance.
It's so sad that you are using the helping verb "can". I feel for you.
on the subject welcome others the new light is i can now have limited association with df and da ones at the kingdom hall not strictl avoidance..
I can now have limited association with df and da ones at the kingdom hall not strictl avoidance.
It's so sad that you are using the helping verb "can". I feel for you.
my parents had a story that the first time my dad ever met my mom's father, he opened the door and immediately asked dad, "what are you gonna do if my grandson needs a blood transfusion?!".
grampa was a ww2 vet, an airplane mechanic, a methodist and freemason.
he and my grandmother were pictured all my life as these ogres who opposed my mother's jw conversion and her marriage to my father.
Why can't your beliefs withstand criticism, and re-examination? Why the persecution complex? Dad, why couldn't you just get off your high horse and admit this is wrong?
Now, I have to study with my wife about this because of her years of indoctrination. Because we want to have children, we have already accepted blood fractions to that end, and indeed, what am I going to do when our son needs a blood transfusion?
Tough situation. This makes me think about the people who still make excuses for the WT and claim that they do not cause harm to people and families.
Good news about the blood transfusion thing is that it's no longer a hot topic in JW land for various reasons. In the subway I overheard two JW ladies talking about the fraction thing, and one of them said "you know, 99/100 is still a fraction".
The other thing is that we are now in times where medicine has advanced a lot when it comes to treatment, and has been able to replace the use of blood in many treatments and not even recommend it at all in instances where in the past they did. The WT presumes that it's because of their influence, but the reality is that the medical industry itself has gotten a lot of problems over using blood. There was the AIDS crisis, there's the issue of blood banks always being in the red, especially those uncommon blood types, etc. Medical professionals themselves offer many different options today. And since now the medical industry is about making money, the use of blood is not as cost effective as many other alternative treatment or products.
I think that should ease your mind from too much worry around it.
It's sad that you couldn't have a relationship with your grandparents over that nonsense, though.
yeah, i have russians getting in my way all the time.
does anybody know how jehovah's witnesses reconcile the contradictions between the stories of jesus' birth as found in matthew and luke?
when i was a jehovah's witness, i wasn't even aware of this contradiction; i simply thought that all of it happen—namely that there was a census (luke 2) and the slaughter of the innocents (matthew 2) simultaneously.
but at the time i didn't know that the census took place in 6 ce and that herod the great died in 4 bce, thus placing those birth stories 10 years apart in time.
Does anybody know how Jehovah's Witnesses reconcile the contradictions between the stories of Jesus' birth as found in Matthew and Luke?
My guess is that they have some silly simplistic explanation that makes them feel happy in their stupid little bubble. However, I wonder if there's a reason for looking at that particular discrepancy in the bible as opposed to the many others?
''i liked it better 2000 years when i preached in synagogues,in the fields,by the sea,in the temples,on mountaintops and valleys.now,i've been reduced to making small talk and handing out leaflets to our summer convention titled,''remain loyal to jehovah.''.
''this stupid convention is 80 miles away,3 full days in the middle of summer,bagging your own lunch,paying for hotel and food,and ''making sure you do not reserve seats.''.
'' i hope no one answers the door.''.
'' I hope NO ONE answers the door.''
You have no idea how many times I wished that for 23 years!
in the time since i've left the borg behind i've had a few things hit me as to how words were used.
i'm wondering if anyone else has some similar examples, but here are some things that have made me think:.
watchtower - my whole life i saw this as a thing of protection from outside evil forces, and then when i left someone pointed out "isn't that what they used to keep people in prison".
Loving the world: That is supposed to be a sign that you are in complete spiritual peril and in a path to destruction of your own doing, with no one else to blame but yourself. It also means that you are not worthy of being seen as a respectable JW in good standing.
When talking to a counselor I asked her what would she say If I say "I love the world". She said that to her it means that you are in good spirit or feel happy. I explained to her what it means in JW-ese, and realized then that simple expressions mean something so way off what they really are supposed to mean for normal people.
it's now time to clear out my old literature lest it fall into the right hands.. there is a fairly large range of books, volumes, pamphlets and various keepsakes.
some are unusual, say, part issues of the aid book and a live forever book that has had paragraphs altered in subsequent copies.
i am in hoppers crossing, melbourne.
we all know that one of the major advantages the society now has with everything being on its official website, is the ability to quickly change content when they desire.. so older articles that show them to have made mistakes, are simply re-written or edited...or even just deleted!
"nothing to see here...carry on".
I found this great short clip that reminded me of this phenomenon
You call saying different things at different times a phenomenon? If that's not a sign of being influenced by a cult, I don't know what is.
the moment i saw the "request a study" form on the site, i thought, "umm, that could be a bad thing.".
but to date, i have heard of only one case where it was used for less than genuine purposes.
that was in the case of a "game developer" who was selling crappy asset-flips on steam.
Have there been other cases like this? If prayers really work to attract Witnesses to your door, why does the Borg need a website function that's so prone to fraud?
Never been to their website so I didn't even know that there was such form to request bible studies. If we're going to look at ineffective ways of communicating and using means that can be fraudulent, forget the website. Look at the bible.
forgive me if this has already been posted.
i laughed when i saw it and figured others might enjoy it as well.. .